Guitar Player's Thread

so I have a little problem, every couple days my finger tips starting to hurt. I only play about one to two hours a day and when my fingers hurt I stop sometimes cause it hurts to much. And other times like right now one of my finger swells up, truns red and hurts. Any solutons?
so I have a little problem, every couple days my finger tips starting to hurt. I only play about one to two hours a day and when my fingers hurt I stop sometimes cause it hurts to much. And other times like right now one of my finger swells up, truns red and hurts. Any solutons?

that's a good thing. it's supposed to happen. just bear the pain and keep playing!
Yup, no pain no gain. Eventually you will get fingers of steel and power metal destruction!
the problem is then they get rippd up they never have enough time to heal.
hey guys, I won't lie, Im knew to being a Guitarist and I still suck at it. Is Guitar Pro a good way to learn in someone with more experiences opinion ? Are there any good web sites for learning the techniques ? Any help would be much appriciated.
and when you are good enough call me we will start a band together