Guitar Player's Thread

Thanks alot, all of you, really glad to hear that!

As for the soundfonts, the following are the ones i've used, except the choir, but i'm using that one in an upcoming song, and it sounds awesome to me, i think i have 5 different ones, but none of them compare to this choir.
I got the bass and drums from Epi a while back, but they work perfectly, so i haven't bothered looking for others.

For those who don't know where to put these, here's the file path i use

E:programImage-LineFL Studio 6DataPatchesSoundfonts

You could just put all the soundfonts in there, or make seperate folders for each type of instrument, the latter is better if you have alot of soundfonts.

thanks for posting this, I'm gonna dl it and hopefully I'll find a crack like jotun said, even tho i've looked already...

and I have a question: when you're programing the other instruments, are you programming them on FL or on GP? Could you describe the process of how you create your songs, if you don't mind? (sorry if you've already answered this question before, my memory is kinda shady sometimes :p)
^ watch a herman li video he explains it. Ill try and find the link.
I did download a midi to mp3 type program a few weeks ago and the outcome was totally rubbish so ill try umosay's one
EDIT: WTF? my comp didn't load all the posts so my post is a bit behind the times
Haha, not bad man :D

Fade to Black 2nd solo i did quickly

Nice playing, but it does sound slightly out of tune with the song. I've noticed this too when I tried (still trying to get a good tone) to record the intro guitar solo for this song and realized it wasn't me.

So can we expect a recording of your new song :D Sorry to put pressure on you but I would love to hear it :lol:
Nice playing, but it does sound slightly out if tune with the song. I've noticed this too when I tried (still trying to get a good tone) to record the intro guitar solo for this song and realized it wasn't me.

So can we expect a recording of your new song :D Sorry to put pressure on you but I would love to hear it :lol:

Hopefully soon i'll do a demo, just getting someone to help me out with the drums as they were pretty 'filler', and been tweaking stuff in it, and learning it aswell.. but will probably get this guy to help with the leads as a pretty awesome lead player.
Umosay: Are you from New Zealand? If you are have you checked out this website. It is probably the best place to get gear and it is free shipping :)

Yep. Thanks, hadn't seen that site before... usually just use ebay or Woodwind and Brasswind when ordering online, normally works out a LOT cheaper than anyone in NZ, even after shipping costs.
Really? i'll have a look. I have 350ish to spend on gear and don't know what to get :lol: All i have at the moment is practise amp
I got a peavey XXX 120w head off ebay (America) for $1100 nz dollars, including shipping, and it's $2699 off their site :p
:lol: didn't know they were such a rip-off, but getting things like boss pedals would probably be cheaper
EDIT: o.k im getting pissed off. One of my trem claw screws has become rounded and i am trying to buy some new ones. Any help on where to find them?
yeah the podxt is fuking $590 on that site. it must be cheaper somewhere else.
Any help on where to get trem claw screws for an original floyd rose. one of mine has become rounded
EDIT: Can you use the podxt to record straight into the computer?
EDIT AGAIN: lol just saw it has a usb adapter
Nice playing, but it does sound slightly out of tune with the song. I've noticed this too when I tried (still trying to get a good tone) to record the intro guitar solo for this song and realized it wasn't me.

So can we expect a recording of your new song :D Sorry to put pressure on you but I would love to hear it :lol:

its out of tune because the whole RTL album is tuned a tad sharp, so don't get frustrated like i have many times:lol:
thanks for posting this, I'm gonna dl it and hopefully I'll find a crack like jotun said, even tho i've looked already...

and I have a question: when you're programing the other instruments, are you programming them on FL or on GP? Could you describe the process of how you create your songs, if you don't mind? (sorry if you've already answered this question before, my memory is kinda shady sometimes :p)

Basically i just write the songs in guitar pro, export the midi file from guitar pro.

Import them into fruity loops, add the appropriate soundfonts and extract them to wav.

Import that wav file to whatever program you're using to record, and record according to that backing track you just imported.

The cool thing with using this method is that you can edit the guitar pro file and redo the whole process whenever you like, so you don't have to do it all over again.
woohoo. i finished my song that i've been working on today. im really happy with it. for two years i've been in the PTA (parent teachers association) art reflections. theres a bunch of categories, one of which is music. so for the thrid year im entering and i could win like 800 bucks. and i've already placed really well (first year with nationals, last year with state) and this song blows the other two out of the water. so im recording it on saturday. my guitar teacher is bringing a bunch of his experienced friends and there going to help me record. so im really fuckin excited