Guitar Player's Thread

Did you guys have a hard time soloing over this BT for the jam? I feel like its so slow and that sets the mood for it so it kind of limits my creativity, or maybe I just suck at being creative for a track like this....oh well, I'll keep trying I guess...
some nice bends and good note choices suffice :)

hmm...yeah I'll try out some bends. this feels like more of a vibrato piece to me tho.

Oh and just for some laughs I thought I'd post this. kinda long, but this thread seems to a bit slow so what the heck.

Wintergeist says:
so i am off to sleep for real now
Wintergeist says:
see ya
Mystique says:
i'm about to play anyway
Mystique says:
Wintergeist says:
learning the skinflute eh
Wintergeist says:
have fun
Mystique says:
Mystique says:
it's better than that
Wintergeist says:
the fact taht you did not deny... well
Wintergeist says:
should i be worried?
Wintergeist says:
or jealous of the guy?
Mystique says:
umm..look at my previous entry
Wintergeist says:
well there isnt a vagina flute
Wintergeist says:
must be the clam drum
Mystique says:
or my beloved xiphos
Wintergeist says:
oh right
Wintergeist says:
i forgot
Wintergeist says:
the "sex toy" that never complains
Wintergeist says:
Wintergeist says:
have fun
Mystique says:
Wintergeist says:
try not to get teh clapz0rz
Mystique says:
oh i trust my partner 100%
Wintergeist says:
until the string breaks
Wintergeist says:
then it's oh shit
Mystique says:
Mystique says:
we'll be careful
Mystique says:
don't worry
Mystique says:
sweet dreams
Wintergeist says:
use finger control
Wintergeist says:
i practice abstinence myself
Wintergeist says:
dont have to worry bout string breakage
Mystique says:
no kidding
Wintergeist says:
or picking up anything
Wintergeist says:
or rough callus outbreaks on fingers
Mystique says:
well, personally i think its worth it
Mystique says:
you're missing out
Mystique says:
pick yourself up a nice one and you can have lots of fun
Mystique says:
but it will take practice to get good at it
Wintergeist says:
psh eargasms arent all theyre cracked up to be
Wintergeist says:
i hear they can make your ears bleed
Wintergeist says:
maybe what
Wintergeist says:
every 28 days?
Mystique says:
if you suck at what you're doing, then yeah, there will be bleeding
Wintergeist says:
and pain
Wintergeist says:
how can pain be ecstatic
Wintergeist says:
and what about the oral?
it's a very large part
Wintergeist says:
gotta do oral with it
Mystique says: you don't make sense
Wintergeist says:
Wintergeist says:
Wintergeist says:
Wintergeist says:
very important
Mystique says:
guitars don't have anything called "orals"
Wintergeist says:
see above
Mystique says:
vox? i don't bother with that
Wintergeist says:
Mystique says:
just the playing
Wintergeist says:
it's all in the fingering technique eh
Mystique says:
this is true
Mystique says:
with both hands
Mystique says:
right hand has to have very good control
Mystique says:
left hand must have dexterity
Wintergeist says:
well have fun with your pickups then
Wintergeist says:
dont let anyone mess with your humbucker
Wintergeist says:
i hear it's a complicated item to use properly
Mystique says:
well yeah, to learn the details and technique, it takes some time
Wintergeist says:
practice makes perfect
^:lol: Fantastic!

I found a video I made when I first got my 770, on my USB stick, so I decided to upload it. Hope you can enjoy it regardless of the quality.

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That's some jolly good playing! Can't really hear everything, but you can see that you've got it down! How long have you been playing?
custom shop in russia builds alexi stuff COOL !




Alexi bass version :Spin:
nice job dude, its really easy IMO to solo over shit like that, but you need to try finding a hook and refer back to that every once in a while and make melodies and not just go up the scale slowly. but still nice work

hah i see you've had some work done on your floyd.
A new video of me playing Hate Me! (not the whole one) is just being uploaded now on n00btube. I will post it when it is done!

oh and btw...the playing is not outstanding but my tone is something i love so much!