Guitar Player's Thread

MrFast said:
I wanna record a vid of my playing, any recomendations on what I should play?
Why are you asking us? We don't know what you can play.

But if you're taking requests, Racer X - Scarified.

enjoi17 said:
ok, but you said really good

anyways bodom keyboards aren't particularly hard for anyone with decent dexterity and he was sloppy and messed up lots.

Well I disagree. He didn't make any mistakes and it flowed well. When I said really good, I just meant he played it well.
I'm working on typing up the 4 part sweep picking lessons from Guitar One. Some people like PG, Malmsteen, Rusty Cooley, Michael Angelo Batio and John Petrucci lent their expertice. There may be more but, first i have to find my last G1 mag to complete it.
Awesome stuff. I pretty much know what to expect from each player though but it'll be interesting to see if my guesses are close.
Anyone here played with a kahler trem? i'm intrigued. :err:

They are awesome, get a decent one now or one from the 80's when they were really popular and you'll probably find it better than a Floyd rose. I love 'em, Jeff Hanneman uses one and he abuses his completely so obviously he finds Kahler better than Floyd for that kind of whammy abuse.
Why are you asking us? We don't know what you can play.

But if you're taking requests, Racer X - Scarified.

I've been reading a bit on the Racer X forum, all the hype that no one can get Scarified to sound as good as Paul. :lol:

Would be cool if more players did this kind of thing, i've been watching this one like 10 times now, i just love Jani's tone and playing style. Never heard of Syu before, but he's pretty cool aswell.

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Would be cool if more players did this kind of thing, i've been watching this one like 10 times now, i just love Jani's tone and playing style. Never heard of Syu before, but he's pretty cool aswell.

really I found his tone kind of horrible, Syu's was much better.
I don't know how people play holding the pick like this o_O.

I hate both of their tones and their playing =/

inhe said:
I've been reading a bit on the Racer X forum, all the hype that no one can get Scarified to sound as good as Paul.

It's 100% true.
really I found his tone kind of horrible, Syu's was much better.

I guess i was a bit biased because of Syu's playing style, it looks pretty akward playing like he does, and i liked Jani's licks more.