Guitar Player's Thread

Nevermore's vocals are amazing, I wouldn't change a thing about them.

Also, I brought my classical guitar in for a tune up+new strings. I should have it back sometime this week.
Muhammed Suicmez.

Necrophagist kicks asses.

Ok, I noticed that some of you uploaded own stuff although you aren't really satisfied with it. Normally, I wouldn't do, but since you let me hear your recordings, I don't want to piss me,too :D

Most of you seem to practise Racer X/ Bodom stuff and I'm definitely not that good, but I hope you won't flame me for this:

It was recorded yesterday, story behind the song:

"Just for fun. The whole Songwriting/Recording took 3 hours. The Quality is not that good: NO EQUALIZER etc. because I had no time.
The guitar should express what I wanted to say when my girlfriend always begged me for recordings.
So I had 3 hours until the train arrived which I had to take to get to her. In these 3 hours, this song was created."
Shit dude, that main riff was brilliant. The effect (phaser or something wasn't it?) made the palm muted notes sound really awesome. I've never heard you play before so I was just expecting some crappy shred but I was wrong!!! Good job.
Ok, I noticed that some of you uploaded own stuff although you aren't really satisfied with it. Normally, I wouldn't do, but since you let me hear your recordings, I don't want to piss me,too :D

Most of you seem to practise Racer X/ Bodom stuff and I'm definitely not that good, but I hope you won't flame me for this:

This sounded very nice! :kickass:

Somehow reminded me of Satriani. :)
"Most of you seem to practise Racer X/ Bodom stuff and I'm definitely not that good, but I hope you won't flame me for this"

People that usually say stuff like that usually aren't capable of playing that well, ya know. I mean, they can play fast but it's not really controlled or anything because they've only focused on speed. But judging by that, I reckon you could play some Bodom stuff with little practise because it sounds controlled.

Oh Epi, remove your post so it doesn't look like I'm mental. :D:D

(joke btw :p)
Necrophagist kicks asses.

Ok, I noticed that some of you uploaded own stuff although you aren't really satisfied with it. Normally, I wouldn't do, but since you let me hear your recordings, I don't want to piss me,too :D

Most of you seem to practise Racer X/ Bodom stuff and I'm definitely not that good, but I hope you won't flame me for this:

It was recorded yesterday, story behind the song:

"Just for fun. The whole Songwriting/Recording took 3 hours. The Quality is not that good: NO EQUALIZER etc. because I had no time.
The guitar should express what I wanted to say when my girlfriend always begged me for recordings.
So I had 3 hours until the train arrived which I had to take to get to her. In these 3 hours, this song was created."

That was cool!
bump cause I feel bad for the dude.

:lol: thanks :)

They are awesome, get a decent one now or one from the 80's when they were really popular and you'll probably find it better than a Floyd rose. I love 'em, Jeff Hanneman uses one and he abuses his completely so obviously he finds Kahler better than Floyd for that kind of whammy abuse.

very cool stuff, I was thinking about getting one for my explorer, but I'm kind of worried about routing my axe. I would take it to a tech but I don't trust 'em:p . And thanks for the input:)
thats sweet!!!!
what sampler for drums did you use?

I KNEW that this would be asked :lol:

Normally, I program the drums all by myself with drumkit from hell samples and battery.

This, time, I just arranged Drum Patterns from the Boss-Br-something HD Recording Set.
So I just deserve credits for arranging the parts, not for writing, recording or programming them.