Guitar Player's Thread

Ripper Owens is the new vocalist for Malmsteen. He is great, I really look forward to the CD.

But I feel pity for him because he always has to get along with egos like Tipton/Downing, Schaffer, and now Malmsteen.


OMG THAT RULES SO HARD, Ripper Owens Just Rules, I dont care if people think Barlow fit Iced Earth Better, The stuff owens wrote for their past two albums was off the freakin wall

I just want to loop this first riff/metal scream and have it like on a YTMND site haha

Yeah, I think Ripper is a MUCH better singer than Matt, but I'm still happy that Matt is back (although Schaffer is the most smelling pussy in the whole world for bringing him back).

So it would be awesome if Ripper could combine the rock vibe of Yngwies music with his epic voice.
How much gain pre-gain do you have? I set mine at around 6 and it doesn't feedback.

Well around 6 it is not perfect for me.
Do you plug into hi or normal gain?

Is there any possibility to setup it like you want without feedback? like 10pregain (if i wanted).
ISP Decimator? Or is it just the same crap like the NS-2
Thanks, i tried some different riffing styles, i wasn't sure they worked that good, but if people like it, i'm happy!

That's right, i got celebration to do soon, going out to dinner with my guitar! :cool:
Whoa dude, Conrad Simon left a comment!

Conrad Simon 27 Feb 2008 08:10

Hi Marc

I got a chance to listen to your new song (Edge of Despair) and I’ll tell you what I really think. The fact that you’ve only been playing since 2006 totally blows me away. The most terrifying reality of your arrangement is the evidence that music comes first. The highlight to this piece is the dramatic guitar harmony and string section (02:28) that paves the way for the solo.

Great stuff!


Your song is awesome, keep up the good work dude :D.
Yeah, i just noticed that aswell, oh the awesomeness is overwhelming :ill: (I actually payed him to write that though.)
Hiya! Internet is back up, so i uploaded this new song on myspace, and i would be delighted if you checked it out!

Edge of Despair

Also, here are all the songs in a folder, if you would like to download them.

I'm almost done with my fourth songs, which has kind of an epic power metal intro.

Heya Inhe!
I heard your new "Edge of Despair", and I liked it a lot! "Exhumed Dismemberment" is still my fav, gotta admit it, but your new song is really cool, I like the part around min. 02.48 a lot, it's catchy and original.
I'm not a guitarplayer, but really, very good job, to me. :)
I have to agree, i like Exhumed the most of the three aswell, but my new song which should be done in a few days is my current favorite! :D
^Then I can't wait to hear the newest song too, hehe!!

5 years ago, I started to record stuff and wanted to form a death/black band like belphegor.
I forgot about it...than remembered...than forgot...blablabla
I uploaded it on myspace in 2006:

I was pretty evil, listen to the growls in the chorus :D
Hey, that was good, Corny-boy!! Pretty evil too, yeah! :heh:
Why did you "abandone" that myspace-music project, if I can ask?
good work dude! too bad the bass is fagy midi though...
i hope one day you will find your self some great bassist to work with or maybe get your self bass for recordings.

dude what a fucking title :lol:
good work !
do you have more original compositions?
I've written a metalcore 'start-of-song' thing. It contains 3 riffs that is basicly Intro, somekind of interlude or something and then a really short verse and then somekind of breakdownish thing. Well i recorded me playing it. Playing is pretty shit today and the song is not something i worked for...just popped outta my head. I will post it later on when its uploaded on youtube. I know you hate metalcore so go easy on me :lol:(I mainly write northerish riffs and forget them but this time i actually wrote it to GP...had some help from my drummer. just a bit. Its my first GP tab so the backing track drums are a bit fucked)
Yeah, I have some, but there are just 2 songs i like. I decided to look for musicians when I have written 5 songs in a similar style, so that musical differences are not possible (too fast).

When I have these 5 songs, I'll stream them on soundclick.

Too bad that I've lots of stuff to do for Uni and that I'm most of the times too lazy to finish songs.
Any tips on that, Inhe?

And Ruins, where in Germany are you from?
Too bad that I've lots of stuff to do for Uni and that I'm most of the times too lazy to finish songs.
Any tips on that, Inhe?

I have a similar problem actually, i just can't sit down and start writing, but once i've got an intro i like, i record it, listen to it sometimes, and then try to continue on the song in my head, until i get soemthing i like.

The intro is the hardest thing for me to do, if i'm not satisified with it, i can't be bothered to continue on the song.

I guess the best advice i could give you is to not write out the whole thing before you record it. If i do this, it just feels so boring knowing that you have alot to record, i prefer writing and recording and the same time. But i guess this works differently for people, and this wouldn't be possible if you had payed for studio time.

And 'buttfukked nun' is just :lol:(The title that is, the song is cool! ) And as Ruins said, do you have any other compositions?
good work dude! too bad the bass is fagy midi though...
i hope one day you will find your self some great bassist to work with or maybe get your self bass for recordings.

Yeah, that would be great, this song doesn't have that much complicated stuff on bass, but Exhumed has some cool bass riffs would sound awesome with a real bassist.