Guitar Player's Thread

Pђoenix;7020750 said:
^How about not being able to play it? I don't know about you or anyone else but it has to be perfect before I'm happy with it. i.e no wrong/out of time notes, sharp/flat bends etc etc, yeah I'm picky..

I'm not picking on you, but if that's the case, one could just play something simpler. It's a forum jam, not a demo for a record deal.
I was thinking about the jam earlier today actually. I was either going to finish it soon and the rest of you can go fuck, or just call the whole thing off. All I fucking read was "oh yeah the pttr bt would be awesomeomg" and now we're doing that one, it's the slowest one YET.
just give 1 more day and thats it if any one who did not do his solo yet was or will be serious enough about it he/she will post it in the future as stand alone or forum jam part2 forgotten licks or so donno
either way you are right that it takes too damn long
I was thinking about the jam earlier today actually. I was either going to finish it soon and the rest of you can go fuck
Ha! God, I like when you get kind of upset like this!! "fuck!" ....:lol:

Haha, don't worry anyway, I know you're not that upset... I just joke (a lil' bit). :p

just give 1 more day and thats it if any one who did not do his solo yet was or will be serious enough about it he/she will post it in the future as stand alone or forum jam part2 forgotten licks or so donno
either way you are right that it takes too damn long
Yeah, I agree.

Anyway... I hope all those who said they would participate will send their solos soon, if the didn't do it yet. :)

I'm Michael Angelo Batio! :lol:

┼Victim of the Night┼;7020843 said:
Ha! God, I like when you get kind of upset like this!! "fuck!" ....:lol:

Haha, don't worry anyway, I know you're not that upset... I just joke (a lil' bit). :p

Well you can understand where I'm coming from can't you?

Most people that post in here said that they'd send me a solo for this backing track and I have 4.
^Well... maybe you should try to choose and write here the date (write it big and using a bright colour!) of the jam's end, then.

I really dunno... I'm sorry though.
Dudes, I'm bout to buy a new guitar and sell my MMV, if any ones interested in buying it, I will pm/send picts thru msn or yahoo and give other info.

And other thing; recommend me some good guitars worth their price on range of 600-900€, might be able to go for little higher if it isnt the exact price of 900€.
But help on models and your opinions bout them would be greatly appreciated, thanks.
Depends on what sound you're after. You can get great ibanezes for that price, but maybe you're more into ESP's?

On another note, my fourth song will be done tonight if something unexpected doesn't happen :eek:
┼Victim of the Night┼;7020958 said:
^Well... maybe you should try to choose and write here the date (write it big and using a bright colour!) of the jam's end, then.

I really dunno... I'm sorry though.

I would but I dno when a fair end date is. I was going to do 17th March because it's a Monday but I have most of March off so I'd have time to do it whenever during that month.
I would but I dno when a fair end date is. I was going to do 17th March because it's a Monday but I have most of March off so I'd have time to do it whenever during that month.

Ah, I see... well, if ya don't know what end date to choose... then I will!! :cool: End-date of the fourth forum jam: 10th March!!!! :kickass:

Hahaha, don't get angry, you know I joked. :saint:
Seriously now... you guys who are here now could discuss about it now, choose an end date together... and end the jam, pleaaase. Thanks. :)
Lol, just saw that guitar quiz thingie.....
Gave me this result

Depends on what sound you're after. You can get great ibanezes for that price, but maybe you're more into ESP's?

No lol, I don't like ESP's too much... I kinda think that theyre kinda overpriced...
But, I thought about tone like not too heavy, something to the way of Vai, Yngwie, Jari Mäenpää, etc. etc.
Though I'm gonna go test guitars later to stores and stuff and see what I like.
Lol, just saw that guitar quiz thingie.....
Gave me this result

No lol, I don't like ESP's too much... I kinda think that theyre kinda overpriced...
But, I thought about tone like not too heavy, something to the way of Vai, Yngwie, Jari Mäenpää, etc. etc.
Though I'm gonna go test guitars later to stores and stuff and see what I like.

I was thinking about the jam earlier today actually. I was either going to finish it soon and the rest of you can go fuck, or just call the whole thing off. All I fucking read was "oh yeah the pttr bt would be awesomeomg" and now we're doing that one, it's the slowest one YET.

I was going to record something but when i lost the BT and can't find it(tried your sig but i can't download it) i lost the hope...haven't written anything. Thought id improvise something since i have the Toneport borrowed.
Pђoenix;7011906 said:
You are definitley not the only one :p I've been checking the website almost daily for some kind of news. Sucks about the forum to.

That's fucking cool man! Can't wait to see the finished result.

Edit: Not sure if this has had a mention yet, but I guess it's worth posting ;)

Oh and inhe, exceptional work on the song! :kickass:

Link's not working for me, :erk:

• <-Warheart->
• Inhe (DONE)
• dave100
• Arcane-Bodom
• Conti
• Altitudes
• Ben Johnson
• Earth Breather
• Muffin
• rayden_ad (DONE)
• SomeoneWild (DONE)

I don't see what's so hard about recording something.

Let's say not having your picking hand available.

I was thinking about the jam earlier today actually. I was either going to finish it soon and the rest of you can go fuck, or just call the whole thing off. All I fucking read was "oh yeah the pttr bt would be awesomeomg" and now we're doing that one, it's the slowest one YET.

I'm sure Mystique will support me if I ask you to call off/postpone the jam for some time as people are being so slow...:lol: Injuried player's dreams appart, maybe the jam should be postponed a bit, because people got eager to record after the awesomeness of Jam 3 but 4 is going really slow.

I have to thank you for considering the possibility of keeping PTTR bt until Mystique and I recover (I love this song and I'd really like to take part), and maybe it is indeed a good idea to wait some time so people gets some stuff down and not just 4 people.
i had the finals of the local battle of the bands last night. we got there at 2:30 and it was supposed to start at 4 but the owner only showed up to open up at 4 it was kinda gay. and then we found out we were going first because we didnt sell that many tix so we were kinda bummed but there was a lot of people and we already knew we werent gonna win (it was based on audience yelling/cheering) a lot of people liked us and i saw tons of people taking pics/vids of me while i was shreddaging i feel proud and it was the finals so thats something.
@children of cob
hmm i think the 10th would be great there was enough time for every one to do their recordings (even me and i still didn't). if we will continue to wait like this people will continue to be lazy and wont hurry even after you and Mystique are fully recovered.
maybe you and Mystique could do forum jam part 2 or even being added later on or just participate in new one
i had the finals of the local battle of the bands last night. we got there at 2:30 and it was supposed to start at 4 but the owner only showed up to open up at 4 it was kinda gay. and then we found out we were going first because we didnt sell that many tix so we were kinda bummed but there was a lot of people and we already knew we werent gonna win (it was based on audience yelling/cheering) a lot of people liked us and i saw tons of people taking pics/vids of me while i was shreddaging i feel proud and it was the finals so thats something.
awesome! any vids pics?