Guitar Player's Thread

Either go custom or go high quality without long waits: Jackson USA, Ibanez Prestige, tr00 ESP, Dean USA, BC Rich top models, ... If you like fixed bridge, BC Rich are making again Chuck Schuldiner's Stealth. The best and most unique would be custom, but those months get reeeeeally long, :lol:

hmm... seems that people is not motivated enough to record a 40sec solo...honestly sad.
I did my solo very very fast thinking that it would close sooner.
Bullshit dude, half an hour MAX is all it would take. Fuck, you could do it in one take if you wanted to. You've got 14 days, everyone has "time", they just choose to waste it and are extremely unorganised.

I could say that I don't have the time to do stuff, but it's complete bollocks, because I have SUnday and Monday off work and when I am working, I'm home by 5:30. There's enough time in two weeks to make a fucking 00:30 second recording.

CoCOB: Cool dude, I hope you can recover quickly.

dave100: Yes, I got it. I obviously forgot to reply and even download it, sorry and thanks!

And also, someone record in the Riff Game!!!
True...yeah i have to make myself try. Where can i download the backing track? Doesn't work for me in your sig :erk: Damnit i was pissed when i lost it. My computer was SABOTAGED :lol:

EDIT: Oh...right click>Save on it. Downloading now!
I just bought ESP LTD M-50 guitar pack, I really want to learn to play so what would be best way to start playing. I am asking help from u cuz u really know how to play.
Hopefully u guys give me some advices.
Well...80s heavy metal,classic rock and all that is the simpliest. My first complete song i learned was Black sabbath . Paranoid. Some bands:

Ozzy/Black Sabbath,Dio,Iron Maiden,Judas Priest etc etc...
My advice: spend some time messing with chords, learn them, learn some scales (which you should star playin veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery slow, like around 20-40 bpm if you've never touched a guitar) and prepare to spend hours with your guitar. Last but not least: enjoy yourselfr and don't piss off because you don't play like OMG Alexi in 1 month. This things take time.

I fucking lol'd, :lol: Sure it's easy stuff, :lol:
I dont know very much about guitars and chords so can some1 post link to good site where I can see chords.
And my friend say that tune your guitar to D... was he right?
I got some sites where is chords but there is like D and then option minor,major,7,m7 and many more.:erk: and I really got any fucking idea what to play (or try to play) I know my writing is VERY confusing cuz I am so n00b about guitars.
I would be very happy if some1 got nerves to try to help me
Your friend seems to be fucking with you. Theres no reason for a beginner to tune their guitar to D yet....the standard tuning will suffice for some time(E tuning). First learn the basic chords lik E,Em,A,Am,A7,F,Fm,G,D,Dm,D7 and so on...its not that hard. Use's your friend hehe!
I dont know very much about guitars and chords so can some1 post link to good site where I can see chords.
And my friend say that tune your guitar to D... was he right?
I got some sites where is chords but there is like D and then option minor,major,7,m7 and many more.:erk: and I really got any fucking idea what to play (or try to play) I know my writing is VERY confusing cuz I am so n00b about guitars.
I would be very happy if some1 got nerves to try to help me

As the phenom said, learn the basic chords. If you don't want a teacher a book will be always a good help. They're not expensive (~10€) and will serve you as a guide 24/7.
Here's a riff from the song that should be done today!
i like the tone

I dont know very much about guitars and chords so can some1 post link to good site where I can see chords.
And my friend say that tune your guitar to D... was he right?
I got some sites where is chords but there is like D and then option minor,major,7,m7 and many more.:erk: and I really got any fucking idea what to play (or try to play) I know my writing is VERY confusing cuz I am so n00b about guitars.
I would be very happy if some1 got nerves to try to help me
google and youtube are your best friends.
and don't expect your self to become guitar hero in one month this shit takes time, in fact the technical part is just tool understanding and having rich musical world thats the secret behind the guitar heroes.
so start from everything that you can and listen to more music the it's the best advice i can give you
ok I try to tune my guitar to E like phenom said.
Yeah I know it takes long time to come good guitar player and I just want to learn basic things.
I try to find some good sites.
TYVM for help!