Guitar Player's Thread

Link's not working for me, :erk:

Hmm, they removed it from the site. It was the Edwards pink Sawtooth, I guess it sold out pretty quick.

Regarding the jam, It'd be really useful to rule a definate deadline. It'd give some perspective as to how people can balance things and act as an incentive to get some ass in gear, including my own :p March 17th is a great choice, plenty of time for people to organise. I'll try and record my solo tomorrow and get this thing moving.
Alright guys, here's what I'll do.

I'll leave the current jam running and I'll close it off in the week starting the 17th March. So please get your solo to me by then if you want to be in it.

For coCOB & Mystique, I'll wait until YOU are ready to record something and I'll re-do the whole thing when I recieve both of your solos and re-post it as the Forum Jam 4.2.

I think it's unfair to, 1. Kill this jam now because of two people and make the rest suffer, but 2. I think it's also unfair to completely ignore these two people because both their reasons for not playing right now is totally acceptable. I hope that's ok for you both.
I can't participate because of my picking hand, i cant play correctly because my finger is fucked up, sadly, i do not know when it will heal. might be tomorrow, might be never...
Woo I FINALLY bought a combo amp, no more lugging shit around to pointless jams! Its my birthday tomorrow so i said "since noone buys me cool stuff, im buying myself a combo amp that sounds awesome" Fell in love with this little guy here, can do the hard rock/80's stuff great!

bah...i dont ahve time to record. Got to leave till next time

Bullshit dude, half an hour MAX is all it would take. Fuck, you could do it in one take if you wanted to. You've got 14 days, everyone has "time", they just choose to waste it and are extremely unorganised.

I could say that I don't have the time to do stuff, but it's complete bollocks, because I have SUnday and Monday off work and when I am working, I'm home by 5:30. There's enough time in two weeks to make a fucking 00:30 second recording.

CoCOB: Cool dude, I hope you can recover quickly.

dave100: Yes, I got it. I obviously forgot to reply and even download it, sorry and thanks!

And also, someone record in the Riff Game!!!
bah...i dont ahve time to record. Got to leave till next time

Lets see: you've got a great guitar, you've got a computer, you've got jacks, you've got two hands, sure you've got picks and you have 14 days. Where the fuck is the problem?? Come on man!

Damn, I really want a new guitar....any suggestions?

Budget? If not big, then Ibanez. Said too many times, but amazing quality for less money than any other company.

Bullshit dude, half an hour MAX is all it would take. Fuck, you could do it in one take if you wanted to. You've got 14 days, everyone has "time", they just choose to waste it and are extremely unorganised.

I could say that I don't have the time to do stuff, but it's complete bollocks, because I have SUnday and Monday off work and when I am working, I'm home by 5:30. There's enough time in two weeks to make a fucking 00:30 second recording.

CoCOB: Cool dude, I hope you can recover quickly.

dave100: Yes, I got it. I obviously forgot to reply and even download it, sorry and thanks!

And also, someone record in the Riff Game!!!

I hope so. In ~3 weeks I'll get the bandages removed, then a week to gain a bit of strength and mobility and I think I'll be able to send you something around April 10th hopefully. It'll have to be something simple because after 6 weeks of no movement my arm will be like a stone, but I'll invent something.
Money is not an issue. Not that I'm a millionare lol, but I have plenty of money atm. I have thought about a custom ESP, but figured out I don't want to wait more than 8 months(the minimum order time for a custom shop ESP). I really like the ESP horizons but the inlays are ghey, however the rest of the guitar is awesome so I might as well get one.

About Ibanez, I own 3 of them, two 6-strings and one 7-string. They are good guitars, but I want to try something different this time :)
Either go custom or go high quality without long waits: Jackson USA, Ibanez Jem, tr00 ESP, Dean USA, BC Rich top models, ... If you like fixed bridge, BC Rich are making again Chuck Schuldiner's Stealth. The best and most unique would be custom, but those months get reeeeeally long, :lol:
Thanks for those links Ruins :) However waiting 8-12 months for a guitar...I dunno if I can take it :lol:
I want an ESP horizon with sharkfins inlays goddammit :mad:
contact them and ask how long does it take usually small companies do it faster as some one who builds guitar him self right now i can tell you there is no reason for guitar to take longer then 3 months of build