Guitar Player's Thread

J-50BC on ebay with active electronics (could be a JE-1000)

I asked the seller what the sticker said, and he confirmed J-50BC
Im not gonna buy them but id figure id post it here so ppl can fight over it haha

Im skeptical on that pickup tho, looks rusted as hell and theres like an inch of wire from it haha
The necrophagist page is down for me, could it be that they're doing a massive update!?
J-50BC on ebay with active electronics (could be a JE-1000)

I asked the seller what the sticker said, and he confirmed J-50BC
Im not gonna buy them but id figure id post it here so ppl can fight over it haha

Im skeptical on that pickup tho, looks rusted as hell and theres like an inch of wire from it haha

Jackson JE1200 mid-boost. Pickup should be working fine. Rust is not a big problem and wire can be always extended.

I just got some pics of my Custom Shop Jackson Stars RR today! It's been refinished and will be shipped to me tomorrow! Can't fucking wait! :headbang:

┼Victim of the Night┼;7026767 said:
I had no idea you play guitar... shame on you for never sayin' it before, Sir Andrew. :mad:

It's quite a while since I last touched my guitar, actually... and I've never been good at playing it, anyway, so not a big loss for the guitar playing world :p

Still, with the upcoming come back of my tr00 black metal band, I must consider picking it up again...
Jackson JE1200 mid-boost. Pickup should be working fine. Rust is not a big problem and wire can be always extended.

I just got some pics of my Custom Shop Jackson Stars RR today! It's been refinished and will be shipped to me tomorrow! Can't fucking wait! :headbang:


What pickup is that? It actually looks pretty good (for a jackson V :p )
┼Victim of the Night┼;7026767 said:
I've just listened to your new song on myspace, and I like it a lot! :)

Thanks for that, didn't see this before!

And thanks for the comment on myspace aswell, i think i have 5 comments now! :D
┼Victim of the Night┼;7028317 said:
Ahh, I see... good news, yeah. Let us know, then!

I'm afraid nothing will happen much before next summer, though I thank you for your interest and now I'll stop flooding the guitar players thread with off-topic junk :D
Thanks for that, didn't see this before!

And thanks for the comment on myspace aswell, i think i have 5 comments now! :D
Heya! You're welcome, you rule. :kickass:
Yeah, I noticed the comments too! :-O ....haha. :)

I'm afraid nothing will happen much before next summer, though I thank you for your interest and now I'll stop flooding the guitar players thread with off-topic junk :D

Ahhh well, you weren't off-topic anyway, in my opinion. But it's up to you, of course.
(ps: che bello parlare in Inglese!!!! A morte l'Italiano. :cool: :lol:)
Alright guys, here's what I'll do.

I'll leave the current jam running and I'll close it off in the week starting the 17th March. So please get your solo to me by then if you want to be in it.

For coCOB & Mystique, I'll wait until YOU are ready to record something and I'll re-do the whole thing when I recieve both of your solos and re-post it as the Forum Jam 4.2.

I think it's unfair to, 1. Kill this jam now because of two people and make the rest suffer, but 2. I think it's also unfair to completely ignore these two people because both their reasons for not playing right now is totally acceptable. I hope that's ok for you both.
Sounds like a good idea to me. I'd feel horrible to stop this jam just for the sake of two arms that can't play right now.

And don't expect the piano solo or anything from me. I haven't been doing good lately... I can barely walk cuz I'm so weak most days :(

I hope so. In ~3 weeks I'll get the bandages removed, then a week to gain a bit of strength and mobility and I think I'll be able to send you something around April 10th hopefully. It'll have to be something simple because after 6 weeks of no movement my arm will be like a stone, but I'll invent something.

Hopefully I'll be ok by April also. The doctor said there's a 70% chance of full recovery because my nerves have been severely damaged in this hand and may not actually recover :erk: I just have to wait a few months to see.
Thanks for all your answers :)

What's a good gauge for a drop C tuning (original floyd rose guitar, FTW)?

Also: d'you need to buy a specific tuner or can any tuner be set to D/drop C?

Alexi uses 010-056 which IMO isquite a good gauge for that. If you want it thicker just remember to ge the lower E (the one that will go down to C) string a bit thicker than the ''normal'' for the pack, because when doing drop tunning, the low E will get more loose, so to get it as tight as the others is good to increase a bit more the gauge on that one.

What I mean is that if you'd usually use 010-052 for D standard (010,017,024,038,046,052 e.g. as I don't remember the exact gauges), for drop C as the only string that is changing is the low E just increase the gauge on that one (010,017,024,038,046,056 e.g. as once again I don't remember the exact gauges).

Jackson JE1200 mid-boost. Pickup should be working fine. Rust is not a big problem and wire can be always extended.

I just got some pics of my Custom Shop Jackson Stars RR today! It's been refinished and will be shipped to me tomorrow! Can't fucking wait! :headbang:



Shit that looks beautiful Nazgul!!! Don't forget to post in the G. Compilation when it arrives! And also with your other RR that you ordered, :kickass:
Alexi uses 010-056 which IMO isquite a good gauge for that. If you want it thicker just remember to ge the lower E (the one that will go down to C) string a bit thicker than the ''normal'' for the pack, because when doing drop tunning, the low E will get more loose, so to get it as tight as the others is good to increase a bit more the gauge on that one.

Thanks big time, children of COB :)