Guitar Player's Thread

Pretty unrelated to guitars (apart from the awesomeness at 00:09)

But man I fucking lol'd at 00:15 :lol: :lol:

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Mine is not low at all. It's average. I just simply can't have it at a high position. It just makes my picking unclean/uncomfy. I wasn't having a go at how high his guitar is FYI. I was just expressing how hard that would be for me to put to practical use. My guitar is a bit lower than Alexi's Seoul performance but i would not give a shit since thats how HE likes it. It would just not feel right for me because when i sit my guitar is at exactly that being a rhoads and all makes a bit of a difference.

That is why i have it a bit above my balls :lol: It feels the best...ive tested High and low. Low gives me uber hard alternate picking and high might risk me to "Spastic" pick.

There you see...i was not doing anything else than expressing my own opinion of how I WOULD have a guitar. That does not apply to anyone else though. Keep that in mind because how high you adjust it is personal. So calling Low-troll position guys retarded is equally retarded as they may have uber long arms or are long themselves so they won't have problems with it. Mine is medium though.

you spastic pick because you have no control over your technique.

besides, i agree with muffin. you won't be looking so cool after you fuck up and get boo'd off stage.
can you say that in english please? :p

the bit about midi sounding wrong even if the tab is right...

Well I've tabbed Oh, The Humanity and I got the track so you can ONLY hear the left guitar and then another track with only the right, so I tabbed exactly what I heard but when I played back the MIDI with both guitars playing, there were a few weird harmonies from where the two guitars were clashing, although that is what was being played but it doesn't sound bad on the album.

So the exact same thing happened with I did the intro of We Are The Nightmare. I listened to each guitar, the tab was accurate, but when both gtrs played together, it sounded wrong.
I'm working. I work full time, 5 days a week, 36.5 hours.

I do 8am-5pm Saturday so I have Sat night off, all of Sunday off, all of Monday off and I start again on Tuesday at 1pm so I have the morning off. I get a huge break so I take advantage of it.

If you add up Sat night and Tues morning, it's practically like 3 days off.
Okies, i only work half-time now because being a telephone salesman is quite exhausting.