Guitar Player's Thread

You are fucking insane!! :lol:

Bucketbanger, here's a few more pics of Paul's hand when he's playing.



thanks man. The only problem I have now is holding the pick. After about 15 seconds of alternate picking, it begins to slip and my thumb is sliding up the side of my index finger. I need to find someway to counter that. when I pick tho, my thumb and index are perfectly horizontal to the pick, should my thumb be pointing downward-left and my index finger horizontal?
btw, what video of paul was that from?

Satanic Muffins! X2
These muffins are baked by the devil himself
With yeast from the Hells
With the help of demons they are burnt to crispy goodness by the fire of Hades
The chocolate chips and blueberries are deadly; once you consume it you will _______?
Let go of me, get your claws off my leg, I don’t want to die……Today!
Magic muffin let go of me

I have no idea what the fuck I said at the end, :lol: , I didn’t feel like recording anything better cause its just a MIDI and not the real thing.

Satanic Muffins! X2
These muffins are baked by the devil himself
With yeast from the Hells
With the help of demons they are burnt to crispy goodness by the fire of Hades
The chocolate chips and blueberries are deadly; once you consume it you will _______?
Let go of me, get your claws off my leg, I don’t want to die……Today!
Magic muffin let go of me

I have no idea what the fuck I said at the end, :lol: , I didn’t feel like recording anything better cause its just a MIDI and not the real thing.

it was ok. i think you can make the vocals better rhythmically though. the first song was much better imo. even instrumental-wise.
Bucketbanger, suggestion....curl your index finger more, that's what i did to stop the pick from slipping, or...try some different picks, maybe pick up some Gator Grip picks.

Okay, I did another vocal recording of a COB song, but my voice was already shot, when I recorded this from singing (read: screaming) all the way home from work. Also, you need quicktime to play these since I didn't feel like waiting forever to upload .wav versions of these on dialup.

If one of these don't work, I don't know what to tell you:
so would a good place be on the side of the knuckle closest to the nail on the index? Like push it up against that with my thumb?
so would a good place be on the side of the knuckle closest to the nail on the index? Like push it up against that with my thumb?

you could try it that way, the way i do it, it my index finger is actaully on the top half of the pick, on the bottom side, pressed right against the meat on my finger and the fingernail. I'll try to take a picture, hold on.
@bucketbanger: dude that's getting so fucking annoying :lol:

seriously, it is okay to examine other players picking styles but in the end just find what is comfortable and right for you.
that is exactly what I am trying to do, examine other peoples style, and in the end, I am going to try all that I know and see what is comfortable for me. Right now I am just asking for food for thought.
@bucketbanger: dude that's getting so fucking annoying :lol:

seriously, it is okay to examine other players picking styles but in the end just find what is comfortable and right for you.

damn, that's exactly what i was gonna say. this "how do i hold a pick" thing is getting wayyy too technical. i'm glad you spoke up about this. ha.

that is exactly what I am trying to do, examine other peoples style, and in the end, I am going to try all that I know and see what is comfortable for me. Right now I am just asking for food for thought.

dude, you need to chill. just hold it according to how you can play best with the pick being held that way. its cool to study other people's style but you don't have their fingers. and you shouldn't have to choose out of all the ways they hold their pick. you can have your own way as long as it results in good playing.
dude, you need to chill. just hold it according to how you can play best with the pick being held that way. its cool to study other people's style but you don't have their fingers. and you shouldn't have to choose out of all the ways they hold their pick. you can have your own way as long as it results in good playing.

I was holding it the way I felt comfortable, until the pick slips. It just leaves me annoyed. Whatever, ill shut up about technique.
i have quicktime. and i've downloaded stuff from here that's played in quicktime right after i click the link. but your files are coming to me as .amr whatever that is.....and it opens up as some weird text.