Guitar Player's Thread

okay, this is what you do, open up quicktime, browse for the file and it'll open. Then hit play.

Or, you can right-click on the file, then hit open with, then select quicktime, in the menu or browse for quicktime.exe executable (should be in the C:\Program Files\Quicktime), then make sure "Open files with this program" (or something to that effect) is checked, then they all will open with quicktime.
I have finally found a picking technique all my own that I explained before, it is comfortable, and there is no pick slippage. I am sorry if I have put anyone through too much trouble :lol: it says Error 2048- this file is not a movie file. and this is after i select to open the file in Quicktime.exe

i think there's some fat, green internet gremlin out there that doesn't want your vocals to be heard.................

thanks for the effort :) but after finally hearing them, i gotta say, the recordings are pretty said you did them in your car? that would be the reason why obviously. but from what i can hear, it sounds like you should try to use your gut more instead of just using your throat. you're gonna fuck up your vocal chords like that. anyway, i prefer the bodom one to the LoG one. and from what i can make out by the recordings, your voice isn't strong enough yet.

Found this on my HD today and decided to make it sound better with soundfonts. Apparantly it's something I've written a long time ago and it's based on something by Hans Zimmer. I guess there's some melodies from the movie soundtrack of "Pirates of the Caribbean". :D

Epi - Zimmer rip-off.mp3

Found this on my HD today and decided to make it sound better with soundfonts. Apparantly it's something I've written a long time ago and it's based on something by Hans Zimmer. I guess there's some melodies from the movie soundtrack of "Pirates of the Caribbean". :D

Epi - Zimmer rip-off.mp3

sorry, I would say "good work epi" but I just CANT!!!! I HATE THIS SOUNDTRACK!!!!

sorry, it's not your fault :lol:
sorry, I would say "good work epi" but I just CANT!!!! I HATE THIS SOUNDTRACK!!!!

sorry, it's not your fault :lol:

Yeah I know, I'm not toon keen to it either. :lol: Just did it 'cause I was bored. :)

I should probably record something soon.
thanks for the effort :) but after finally hearing them, i gotta say, the recordings are pretty said you did them in your car? that would be the reason why obviously. but from what i can hear, it sounds like you should try to use your gut more instead of just using your throat. you're gonna fuck up your vocal chords like that. anyway, i prefer the bodom one to the LoG one. and from what i can make out by the recordings, your voice isn't strong enough yet.

yeah, I'm no vocalist; but I don't like growling vocals, I prefer screaming so I don't really try to use my gut.
yeah, I'm no vocalist; but I don't like growling vocals, I prefer screaming so I don't really try to use my gut.

You're actually supposed to use your gut for any type of harsh vocals. Any form of throat "screaming" is going to damage. Those clips were so bad quality-wise I couldn't even hear anything. :zombie:
I used to be able to play the intro of that song at 240, can't anymore though. And I only got round to practising the 1st guitar part. Never tried that riff though.
Yerrrrr. :erk:

I recorded Extreme Unction and it took me like 90 tries to get the 1st guitar part to where I wanted it, sound wise. I hadn't even practised it full speed before so it was pretty intense.