Guitar Player's Thread

Or stop being a nub, learn how to use a FR and tune down damn it. :lol:

It's not about knowing how to tune it down, it does take some time, around 10 minutes or so, but the thing is that if you want to play different songs with different tunings you would have to change the tuning more often, which sucks.

hahaha....dude i have great respect for muhammed....he doesn't look like most metal heads. when i first saw a video of necrophagist i was surprised cuz they're not into their looks that much. they look like pretty normal guys. muhammed doesn't even have long hair! props to him. it goes to show he doesn't try to prove anything. his playing says it all.
Yeah, that's pretty cool.

And I cannot imagine that s.o. tunes down a whole step in 2 minutes (FloydRose). The adjustment of the strings, the repetitive tuning and all the stuff costs a lot of time.
at least 5 minutes on any FR i've ever played, cross tuning is a big pain in the ass. And going from E to D if you want your guitar to have the best playability you'll wanna probably adjust bridge tension or string height as well. Under 2 minutes doesn't seem right :err:

Not if you do it the right way. Maybe it's the bridge I use, which is a Lo-Pro or something like that. One of those Ibanez things but I can do it in under 5 minutes and keep the string tension and string height the same. Under 2 minutes would probably be a little too quick for most times but it's do-able.

It's not about knowing how to tune it down, it does take some time, around 10 minutes or so, but the thing is that if you want to play different songs with different tunings you would have to change the tuning more often, which sucks.

But it IS about knowing how to tune down!!!

I'm like the only person I know who seems to enjoy doing it. It's not hard, it's not complicated if you know HOW. Taking the time to learn will benifit you ALOT if you like to change tuning.
Not if you do it the right way. Maybe it's the bridge I use, which is a Lo-Pro or something like that. One of those Ibanez things but I can do it in under 5 minutes and keep the string tension and string height the same. Under 2 minutes would probably be a little too quick for most times but it's do-able.

But it IS about knowing how to tune down!!!

I'm like the only person I know who seems to enjoy doing it. It's not hard, it's not complicated if you know HOW. Taking the time to learn will benifit you ALOT if you like to change tuning.

Don't get me wrong, i love chaning strings and tuning :lol: But it still takes time, no matter how you do it. I wasn't talking against it, i was simply saying that there's an alternative to people who don't like/can change the tuning on a FR system, but still want to play along with songs on guitar pro.
Of course, yeah. And I actually do that too when I just wanna play along with a song in a different tuning for like 3 minutes but when you want to actually tune your guitar down for whatever reason, it's no problem for me because I know what I'm doing.

It's just like something like Skiing. If you can't do it, then you're going to fall alot, get cold and maybe hurt yourself and it's not going to be enjoyable so you're not going to want to do it alot. Once you learn how to do it properly, you can only concentrate on the positive things about it and you'll love it and want to do it more.

It's exactly the same principle when it comes to dealing with floating bridges. Changing tuning on one of those is no different to me than a fixed bridge, except for that it takes an extra 3 minutes or so but it's worth it for me because I love the whammy bar.
I love my whammy bar, but the fine tuning pegs are rusted a little, (well, makes sense since the damn thing is like 11 yrs old) so fine tuning with my fingers is a bitch, I usually have to use an alan wrench. I took it apart an spayed some WD-40 in the threads but its still kinda hard to turn by finger.
Of course, yeah. And I actually do that too when I just wanna play along with a song in a different tuning for like 3 minutes but when you want to actually tune your guitar down for whatever reason, it's no problem for me because I know what I'm doing.

It's just like something like Skiing. If you can't do it, then you're going to fall alot, get cold and maybe hurt yourself and it's not going to be enjoyable so you're not going to want to do it alot. Once you learn how to do it properly, you can only concentrate on the positive things about it and you'll love it and want to do it more.

It's exactly the same principle when it comes to dealing with floating bridges. Changing tuning on one of those is no different to me than a fixed bridge, except for that it takes an extra 3 minutes or so but it's worth it for me because I love the whammy bar.

A floyd rose is really just a bridge being balanced between string and spring tension, if you drop down one step you are losing a whole lot of string tension and the springs are gonna be pulling the trem into the body cavity I'm pretty certain on any floyd model you've got. I don't see any other way around it other than to need to loosen the springs then unless you have some kinda self adjusting fr that i've never seen.

Or if you mean you are able to make all those adjustments THAT fast then you truly are good. And if the lo-pro is somehow in fact self adjusting i want one :D
A floyd rose is really just a bridge being balanced between string and spring tension, if you drop down one step you are losing a whole lot of string tension and the springs are gonna be pulling the trem into the body cavity I'm pretty certain on any floyd model you've got. I don't see any other way around it other than to need to loosen the springs then unless you have some kinda self adjusting fr that i've never seen.

Or if you mean you are able to make all those adjustments THAT fast then you truly are good. And if the lo-pro is somehow in fact self adjusting i want one :D

:lol: Fuck, dude. Just take it from me. I CAN de-tune my Ibanez RG770DX down to something like Drop-A in about 5 minutes.

I know exactly what they are and how they work, that's why it's easy.

The trick is to NOT touch the tuning pegs but to actually fuck with the springs in the back. Turn those the right amount first time and fine tune and it's a 2 minute job. It's hard to explain exactly how I do it because you sometimes do have to use the tuning pegs but most of the time, you don't need to.
:lol: Fuck, dude. Just take it from me. I CAN de-tune my Ibanez RG770DX down to something like Drop-A in about 5 minutes.

I know exactly what they are and how they work, that's why it's easy.

The trick is to NOT touch the tuning pegs but to actually fuck with the springs in the back. Turn those the right amount first time and fine tune and it's a 2 minute job. It's hard to explain exactly how I do it because you sometimes do have to use the tuning pegs but most of the time, you don't need to.

see now wouldn't it have been easier to have just said that in the first place? :loco:

sorry for being so skeptical, but i really wanted to know if you had some secret which apparently you did :lol:

gonna try it that way next time, thanks dude ;)
It's not a secret, it's THE way. ;)

I think it's written clearly on jemsite and ibanezrules too. I'm sure I've mentioned it loads of times before, it's just that noone ever listens so I give up trying to explain that floating bridges are easy to use.
But if you do it by loosening the springs, doesnt that change how the trem is sitting in relation to the guitar body (so it might be raised rather than flush with the surface?). I dunno..
But if you do it by loosening the springs, doesnt that change how the trem is sitting in relation to the guitar body (so it might be raised rather than flush with the surface?). I dunno..

No, it keeps it the same. That's the whole point. :)

I can't actually remember exactly what else you need to do but it's something like that. :p

Oh, I just remembered. Say you wanna tune to D standard:

You loosen the SPRINGS in the back by, say, one turn. Do that to each spring once and check the tuning. It should be somewhere around Eb. Tune the whole guitar to D standard with the tuning pegs and the bridge should be raised.

Just keep turning both of the screws and tuning to D afterwards each time and remember to check the bridge level. When you've turned the screws enough and you've repeatedly tuned it to D afterwards and the bridge is level, you'll be ready to go.

That's why I said it can be a 5 min job because usually, I can get the springs to where they need to be for D tuning pretty quickly and then using the pegs doesn't take long at all. Blah. Floating bridges r00le.
I dont use the whammy bar at all. idk, im just not a fanatic of it.
btw, I personally think my playing needs a lot more feeling in it (vibrato, legato, etc)
What songs would anybody suggest learning that focus a lot on vibrato and legato?
maybe some Satch tunes?
Ugh, this girl (singer) asked me if I wanted to do a song with her, so I figured I'd give it a try. I started working on this yesterday and I'm pretty much stuck. I might just scrap the whole thing and start over. I hate making music... I'm never, ever happy with it and I always get stuck. Maybe it's the midi thing, but my music always sounds cheesy to me too.

So just tell me what you think and maybe if you hav a suggestion that would be cool too. I don't really know where to go from here...
I did an Audio recording or Sleeping Stars by Wintersun... well it's incomplete at the moment but i have the first 3 mins pretty good and the rest i have to learn. Would sound better if i had a podxt or something but it's ok. Ignore the timing issue after 3mins - i'm going to record that part properly soon.

If anyone knows how to get good sounding drums instead of using the MIDI gpro file i'd be very intrigued.
I did an Audio recording or Sleeping Stars by Wintersun... well it's incomplete at the moment but i have the first 3-4mins pretty good. Would sound better if i had a podxt or something but it's ok

If anyone knows how to get good sounding drums instead of using the MIDI gpro file i'd be very intrigued.

Kind of big file for such a short mp3 man. I'll let you know what I think when it downloads, that's one of my favorite songs.
Kind of big file for such a short mp3 man. I'll let you know what I think when it downloads, that's one of my favorite songs.

I know, it goes for 5:40 though cause i forgot to cut off the end midi's - i'll re-upload it. I had to mix in 3 guitars with this one though. I actually play 4+ mins i'm just saying the first 3 are done properly.
I personally think my playing needs a lot more feeling in it (vibrato, legato, etc)
What songs would anybody suggest learning that focus a lot on vibrato and legato?
maybe some Satch tunes?