Guitar Player's Thread

Ugh, this girl (singer) asked me if I wanted to do a song with her, so I figured I'd give it a try. I started working on this yesterday and I'm pretty much stuck. I might just scrap the whole thing and start over. I hate making music... I'm never, ever happy with it and I always get stuck. Maybe it's the midi thing, but my music always sounds cheesy to me too.

So just tell me what you think and maybe if you hav a suggestion that would be cool too. I don't really know where to go from here...

i think it sounds pretty fit in the drums really well. but i dont know about that descending thing starting at 30 sec. the riff right before that, at like 20 sec is really good. i think you can make this work :)
The bends are off and your timing is pretty iffy throughout.

haha, i realise that... even though their is only 1 or 2 bends in the whole song.... first song i've tried to mix :erk: I'll see what i can do with the editing. The timing issues shouldn't be to hard to fix and i'll probably end up doing a better version sometime, was just for fun. I actually learn't most of the song as i went - and only started yesterday.

I had to record with a mic so i couldn't play to a metronome in the BG either >_<

and after...


I did an Audio recording or Sleeping Stars by Wintersun... well it's incomplete at the moment but i have the first 3 mins pretty good and the rest i have to learn. Would sound better if i had a podxt or something but it's ok. Ignore the timing issue after 3mins - i'm going to record that part properly soon.

If anyone knows how to get good sounding drums instead of using the MIDI gpro file i'd be very intrigued.

If you do have a decent sounding midi file of the song I could try to make a BT from it.
haha, i realise that... even though their is only 1 or 2 bends in the whole song.... first song i've tried to mix :erk: I'll see what i can do with the editing. The timing issues shouldn't be to hard to fix and i'll probably end up doing a better version sometime, was just for fun. I actually learn't most of the song as i went - and only started yesterday.

I had to record with a mic so i couldn't play to a metronome in the BG either >_<

Whenever i record with a mic i put on headphones, so i can have metronome/backingtrack on.

I actually though it was kinda, a little of on some of the timings, but nothing special.
Ahhh true, i'll do that... oh well, can't get better without trying i guess. I know i can do better but that's my first proper mix ever really.
I dont use the whammy bar at all. idk, im just not a fanatic of it.
btw, I personally think my playing needs a lot more feeling in it (vibrato, legato, etc)
What songs would anybody suggest learning that focus a lot on vibrato and legato?
maybe some Satch tunes?

dunno how open you are to suggestion, but...blues, lots of bends, sustained notes w/ vibrato. maybe not so much legato, but it will definitely give you thef eel.
I would suggest jamming!!! When you learn Satch/Vai songs, there are so many other difficult techniques to concentrate on. Take some good Blues Backing Tracks and concentrate on playing VERY few notes (and when I say few, i mean few :p ). Then you can try Phrasing-Stuff.
If you need some good blues backings, I have 2 from an instructional book. I could upload them.

You could practise Bendings isolated: Hit the intended note, listen carefully, then go down and bend. Repeat this very often in different "places" (my english sucks) on the fretboard every day.

My Bendings give me a hard time, too, but I slowly get into that Vibrato-Stuff.

I hope this helped.

@Lady_Raatikainen: awesome!!! How much did you pay for this sexy LP?
Ahhh true, i'll do that... oh well, can't get better without trying i guess. I know i can do better but that's my first proper mix ever really.

Oh sorry, i missed out on a word, i meant to write "i thougt it was kinda good" :lol:
I would suggest jamming!!! When you learn Satch/Vai songs, there are so many other difficult techniques to concentrate on. Take some good Blues Backing Tracks and concentrate on playing VERY few notes (and when I say few, i mean few :p ). Then you can try Phrasing-Stuff.
If you need some good blues backings, I have 2 from an instructional book. I could upload them.

You could practise Bendings isolated: Hit the intended note, listen carefully, then go down and bend. Repeat this very often in different "places" (my english sucks) on the fretboard every day.

My Bendings give me a hard time, too, but I slowly get into that Vibrato-Stuff.

I hope this helped.

@Lady_Raatikainen: awesome!!! How much did you pay for this sexy LP?

I agree. The answer is in the question. How do I get better at vibrato? Practise vibrato!!!

Just take songs you already know and practise playing the solos, paying special atttention to the bends and your vibrato. Also, listen to people that have vibrato that you like the sound of so you know what it should sound like. OI'm not going to write a list of names because my taste will differ from yours.