Guitar Player's Thread

no no you fail to understand the severity of my predicament :lol:. i am actually sorely tempted to buy it (first game in years), however, i dunno if I want to be raped up the ass by the beurocrats at Blizzard every month. I mean, it's like 0.50$ usd a day, but still, taht shit adds up :p
Yeah Blizzard certainly know how to turn a profit. But meh, I had a lot of fun when I used to play it, when I have some time to kill i'll probably start again.
Yeah Blizzard certainly know how to turn a profit. But meh, I had a lot of fun when I used to play it, when I have some time to kill i'll probably start again.

i just think it's bullshit that they offer free client downloads on the site, but then make you buy the disks just for the verification code :mad:. And yeah, it was sorely addicting :(:(, but right now the only thing stopping me is the money lol. but I'm done hijacking this thread so :p
I present to you: The incredible Guthrie Govan! (sorry, not Alexi Laiho :lol:)



Not the most impressive clips of him, but damn I love his style.