Guitar Player's Thread

Pђoenix;7436158 said:
Cool stuff IA recently had a new guitar made for perfect inotation like Steve!


I thought the whole point of equal temperment was because certain intervals sounded terrible. I dont see how this fixes things, yea 3ds and 5ths will sound perfect but it would screw up other intervals? or maybe they thought of that and i just dont feel like reading about it.
I thought the whole point of equal temperment was because certain intervals sounded terrible. I dont see how this fixes things, yea 3ds and 5ths will sound perfect but it would screw up other intervals? or maybe they thought of that and i just dont feel like reading about it.

no dude, ok, equal temperament was developed so musicians could play in different keys without having to retune their instruments. a specific keynote produces a very unique set of overtones; an example, the "perfectly" measured A in G major could be say, 443 HZ, instead of the 440 we (and most orchestras) usually tune to (i don't actually know how many hertz the A in Gmaj clocks at, but again, just an example). Each keynote has a certain note set unique only to itself, though for many of us we can't even hear the difference. Yet, musicians previously tuned their instruments to be EXACTLY in key with the song they were playing (guitar players: ever tune with a tuner, only to hit a chord and find a string is off slightly somewhere? well now you know why ;). no tuner is "perfect," nothing can replace your ear). However, the problem arose when they went to play a song in a different key (reiteration), they had to spend time retuning their instruments. Furthermore, modulations started to sound a bit off as well, for the aforementioned reasons. hence, the development of equal temperament, a "compromise" tuning in which one will sacrifice "perfect" tonality for versatility. the degree to which the instrument is out of tune is nearly imperceptible to an untrained ear, however it is definitely discernible to a trained musician. which is probably why he got the guitar.
You mean like the Eruption, Cliffs of Dover, etc? I don't use those actually. I try to make up my own but it always just ends up sounding all trebly and annoying in the end. For some reason, it's just like that when recording, and sounds really good on an amp. Either the connections are wrong or I'm doing something wrong. :Smug:

Would you mind if you could post your settings? Maybe that would help me a bit :)

Yeah, sure, here they are.

I added a tone test aswell, so you can compare them.

The first one is the lead tone i almost exlusively use, the second is the rythm i use for most stuff, and the third is a cool 80's hard rock rythm.
@Corny: How was it man? Will you pass it or what?

Steve Vai - "Naked Tracks"


Or he just sent them out to pay for his monthly WoW subscription. :kickass:


that sounds like something Corpsegrinder would do :lol:

True, :lol:

Also for some reason those new strings gave me a perfect intonation...:lol: I was going to see how the intonation was but it was perfect so i just let it be.

Because you blocked the trem and there's no posibility of balance between springs tension and strings tension?

Pђoenix;7436330 said:
Nope sorry, but I imagine it's quite a bit!

I to, can't find those Steve Vai vids, no idea what it was named, which doesn't help either :ill:

The things are named "true temperament necks" but the Vai Videos were removed because of copyright claims :(

I might have thst one saved, but can't say until I go back to Spain.
uh-huh. and this wobbly fret system, will it work outside standard tunings?

if i tune

CGCBBB, will it work just as well as E Standard?

I guess it has its uses(particularly interested in chords past 15th fret :D), but imo, the nature of the guitars sound and charm, comes from the slight imperfectness in notes
Because you blocked the trem and there's no posibility of balance between springs tension and strings tension?

Could be!

DAMNIT! I just cant make up my mind. I am getting a wahwah pedal soon and i don't know for shit what to get. I hear the Ibanez WD7 can get you ANY wah sound and it is great as hell, then i hear from some people its utter trash and i need to get a Dunlop 535Q or a Dunlop Zakk wylde. Then there are also the people saying "Get VOX..." but those are not even true bypass so im like WTF MATES!

So it's either gonna be:
-Ibanez WD7
-Dunlopo 535q or the ZW
-Vox V847

I'm leaning to Ibanez WD7 still. DAMN THOSE REVIEWERS! They mix my head up. I am looking for a dirty n' nice Michael Amott-ish wah tone.

Kinda like this one on this video:(especially the thing at 0:23 gives me eargasm)
Nah, Ive tried it out. The sweep is like really fast or wtf to call it. You can't like make it scream that well id say. Also it's a one trick pony to be honest :lol: Sound's pretty good though but i still think it's overpriced.
Nah, Ive tried it out. The sweep is like really fast or wtf to call it. You can't like make it scream that well id say. Also it's a one trick pony to be honest :lol: Sound's pretty good though but i still think it's overpriced.

It's okay if you don't like the sound of the bad horsie (what I can't understand, by the way, I think it's pretty much the best pedal ever built. I just love it so much!), but don't say it's overpriced please!

You don't get features like an additional and adjustable wah mode (bad horsie 2), the optical switch with adjustable turn off time, and megagood craftsmanship at other wah-pedals.

@Jose: I think I'm through, but I get the final results in three weeks. Would be coul if you really had these Vai videos :headbang:
And by the way, out of your suggestions, the WD and the Bad Horsie make the widest "Wah" possible. The Zakk thingie is much too tame for me and the way from closed to open is too short for my taste. You should jam out with all these pedals in direct concurrence!

I liked this one.

And by the way, I love my Dunlop GCB-95 Wah :).
Yeah that one is pretty freakin' cool. One of the best solos on the whole album.

BUT! This one is just priceless! So good!

thats just me then :lol:
And by the way, out of your suggestions, the WD and the Bad Horsie make the widest "Wah" possible. The Zakk thingie is much too tame for me and the way from closed to open is too short for my taste. You should jam out with all these pedals in direct concurrence!
I have only tried the bad horsie 1. Well i could ask in the store if they have one...i will trust you on that Zakk Wylde pedal thing though. I would still hate to have ZWs name on something in my rig :lol:
I had a Crybaby first, but I gave it for free to my father when I bought the BH. It sounds awesome, but not for the aggressive stuff imo.

Well i guess i will need to sit down with the BH one more time. The time i tested it was into a Spidervalve which dissapointed me btw so i should try it into a randall/engl or mesa. I have not heard any bad stuff about the WD. Just people saying i should get the Dunlop Zakk wylde or that the WD is great. Well i am looking for a metal wahwah clearly because well....Arch Enemy/Michael Amott kind of explains itself what i want.

I feel so good with my rig now because i have found my amp for now so only things that i need are:

New cabinet(getting one NEXT summer...can't afford or need one yet)
A wahwah
A schecter for band use.