Guitar Player's Thread


When I need something to sound relatively cool, i turn to this scale haha
And also, how do you guys get such good tones. do you literally spend hours trying to get it? hey Inhe, did you use your pod for this one?

Hours? More like 1 year :lol:

Great job everyone, Mitch killed like usual :eek: And i'm surprised to hear that no tone was horrible, they were all above average!
Hey guys that was what can I say...some of you are so unbelievably good it is sick and the others are all great ...great job dudes...really enjoy myself listening to this that groove and what you did on it!!!!!
I don't know any of you but KUDOS yo everyone involve in that
FORUM JAM 5!!!!!!!!

† Download †

• innudenDO
• Mystique
• Lowberg
• Corny
• dave100
• children of COB
&#8226; <-Warheart->
&#8226; Earth Breather
&#8226; Inhe

Thanks to everyone that participated, especially those of you that have done something for every jam: Inhe, Mystique, Earth Breather, dave etc. It's also been great hearing some of the guys that are new to the jams play over this backing track, very cool stuff there Lowberg, innuenDO & Jose! I look forward to hearing you all again on the next jam.

I have all the files saved on my computer and will leave them there for a few days. If anyone does want any minor adjustments made to their solos in terms of timing, let me know ASAP and I'll get right on it and re-upload.


I know there's no need to quote it cuz in these last pages everyone's been mentioning the jam but... had to quote it cuz it's absolutely FANTASTIC, one of the best jams!!!
Compliments everyone, guys... god, I'm so amazed, awesome job, everyone! :kickass:
Thanks everyone!

(ps: Mitchy, dunno if you made it on purpose but you can reverse as many solo tracks as you want but... I made it again!..."I've got the power!!". Surrender, you. :Smug:
And loved your solo... the first bits of it made me think of one of my fav songs by Yngwie! :) )
Okay there were some cool solos in the jam and all sound totally different but match each other.

other topic:
Thank you for your advices not to take a guitar to wacken. I realized it was a bad idea.
Irrc someone in this thread talked about the Sonata Artica setlist from Tuska 08. What songs from the other albums than Unia did they play?
Okay there were some cool solos in the jam and all sound totally different but match each other.

other topic:
Thank you for your advices not to take a guitar to wacken. I realized it was a bad idea.
Irrc someone in this thread talked about the Sonata Artica setlist from Tuska 08. What songs from the other albums than Unia did they play?

I think: Kingdom for a heart,Replica,Don't say a word,Black sheep,Cage,Gravenimage and not so much more i think. I was dissapointed at the setlist. I would have wanted to hear atleast: Victorias Secret,Broken,Misplaced,Wolf and Raven on their setlist. Now as i could've been worse but still too much Unia songs IMO.
I think: Kingdom for a heart,Replica,Don't say a word,Black sheep,Cage,Gravenimage and not so much more i think. I was dissapointed at the setlist. I would have wanted to hear atleast: Victorias Secret,Broken,Misplaced,Wolf and Raven on their setlist. Now as i could've been worse but still too much Unia songs IMO.

hmm okay bad to hear. Thank you for the info anyway.
I've been listening some more to the forum jam, for like the third time, Earth Breathers's ending overlaps my start :lol: