Guitar Player's Thread

Do you think you could plug the Korg Pandora PX4D into an an amp with succes?

I mean, it's got some great tones - could that possible work for live use?

Someone will have to try it out :p
Do you think you could plug the Korg Pandora PX4D into an an amp with succes?

I mean, it's got some great tones - could that possible work for live use?

Someone will have to try it out :p

Why not ? I've done about 20 gigs with the Behringer V-AMP 2. :lol:
I was able to get some decent sounds, depending on the amp it was running through. (Pure torture through a peavey bandit. :ill: )
Why not ? I've done about 20 gigs with the Behringer V-AMP 2. :lol:
I was able to get some decent sounds, depending on the amp it was running through. (Pure torture through a peavey bandit. :ill: )

How did it cut through the mix?

I have it myself and I dunno yet if it is decent for gigging.
It's always worth a try :p.

Normally I'm against digital amps, but the Korg actually sounds good :rofl:.

Anyways, my Laney has started to get better aften changing the old pots (from 1996). Hopefully it'll sound ace too with my Warmoth project and the new pickup too.

If not, I am screwed...
I got my first guitar yesterday, Ibanez RG321. When I had set all up, I couldn't find a pick, even tho I was supposed to have 3-4 of them around the house :lol: So I had to take this pick I caught from The 69 Eyes gig couple of years ago, so it was pretty nostalgic.

There was a picture from a magazine posted a month or so ago that presented the amp setup that COB uses in Blooddrunk, where you could see how much bass, treble, gain etc you should put, but I can't find it anywhere now. Any clue?
yay PG pictures! just thought I'd post some from the House of Blues show I went to in May. thread's been kinda dead lately...





sorry the size kinda sucks, but they were taken from a cell phone.

Ibanez RG Prestige, but I don't know the exact model. Afaik, the model Teemu plays there is more or less limited. I have one with a sunburst finish, mine is called Ibanez RG 2820 CTVV and it was limited to 200 for europe if I'm right.

not exactly mine on this pic.

Try to click your way through Ibanez Register , perhaps you'll find it. If not ask again, I know some Ibanez maniacs.

EDIT: my memory fooled me, it can be - and I think it is - an Ibanez J-Custom. I look for the exact model on some pages...

EDIT 2: Here are most J-Customs: click on "j-custom fan" on the left, then on "j-custom"
Agreed. The Ibanez neck profiles feel very different to each other, my RG has the typical thin neck and my Xiphos has, suprisingly, quite a thick neck. Both awesome of course. :p
Interesting! Maybe i would like a Xiphos neck then. Too bad it has the strap issue and i can't get how the fuck do you get under the wing tomake the hole? That has to be pretty hard. I could think myself one but replace the Edge with a Edge Pro or simply block it and ofcourse the tuners with Grover or Schaller.

Well my friends Ibanez RGT42 feels different to a RG 350 so you could have a point. I am a fan of painted necks though...can't stand satin necks.
Not really. Check where I did it (masking tape) like Muhammad *fanboy*


and imo the edge 3 is not bad at all, not sure what experiences you've had.