Guitar Player's Thread

@ Kerry

Can't grow ridicolous amounts of hair on the top of your head, grow it on the bottom mentality has always seemed a bit old drunken guyish to me :p
Yeah Corny, I agree with the others. It's cooler if you can actually play your music than having the image of some rock star. Phoenix gave some good examples (like deh moohammed). You'll be much more respected if you can play properly. You don't want ppl to talk about you as if you're Herman Li and Sam, right? :lol:
You should be able to have your guitar at a decent height without having troubles playing. It doesn't need to be Larry Carlton way up high, or Jimmy Page way low. Find a comfortable middle ground.
This question might sound random, but do any of you guys know what mic's bodom has been using on their cabs in the studio?
Does anyone have any photos that may have a shot of their cab mic'd up in the studio? pre-AYDY
Lowberg, that is a great tone!!!

But if you REALLY want to win, you should put much more effort in the video. Get a friend with a camcorder to film you, put on a hilarious santa clause beard, make facial expressions like Jack Black in School of Rock (seriously, do this!) or something like this. There will be guys who shred as good as you, so you need something to make sure to look cooler.

And @the guitar height issue: I know that there are some examples like PG and Muhammed who show, that they look cool with an a bit higher hanging guitar. But Paul plays shred stuff and Muhammed plays technical death metal. Everyone notices that and tolerates that they have their guitars higher.

I think I'll do it like Dnuu.. said (starting high and going a bit lower every time).

And a serious question again: Does anyone know good stage acts for short haired? Last year, I could bang my head off, now I need something else, like running around a lot.
@ lowberg, awesome dude,
Another tip is, use more light in you video, it's much more pleasuring to see
And I wouldn't do the santa clause beard etc, but that's my opinion

@ corny: I don't really know what to do man, try checking vids of bands with bald/short haired players like slayer, stone or dimmu borgir (galder is bald too). I don't know if it will help but it can give you some ideas at least
@ corny: I don't really know what to do man, try checking vids of bands with bald/short haired players like slayer, stone or dimmu borgir (galder is bald too). I don't know if it will help but it can give you some ideas at least
Yup, that's what I do. But bald players don't have to do anything, they always look evil and brutal.

Wow, Teemu's guitar collection is impressive (and that's just a part):
Yeah :p Guess i'll just keep modding my rg350dx... i have a custom JEM neck for it and new pickups atm.