Guitar Player's Thread

i wanna see yours! i'm hopefully making mine this weekend, when is the deadline?

Mine sucks! It obviously looks like I am mimicing my previously recorded track :lol: I wanted to upload it 'cause I went through so much trouble today just uploading and editing :erk: Glad it is over and done :lol:

I think the deadline is Sep. 19th. Check the site.
I got my tickets for the show! So whichever one of you guys wins this thing, I'll see you there :)

and I just checked it-- Lowberg's comes up, but I don't see Altitudes' yet. Unless you're the guy wearing the black bodom shirt and doesn't show his face...
i JUST realized that Death is the fucking greatest band ever
+ fucking 1, amazing lyrics/guitars/drums/bass. The stuff from Symbolic and The Sound of Perseverance (Also alot of stuff across all the older albums) is so godly, and so fun to play on guitar. Probably my fav band now, but I admit I only started getting into em only about 1 1/2 years ago. Boy have I been missing out >.>

Congrats on the GP1000 Necro, I'd love to get one myself too but it's going to be a real mission to get one in Australia me thinks. Really keen on how the pedal is going to sound. Only reason I want one is to muck around with some CoB/Paul Gilbert/80's shred/Glam type tones.
Yeahh, I was trying to figure out what they did in the past with the lee-jackson setup, as far as microphone and mic placement. I hate mic-placement its such a bitch for me to get exactly how I want it to sound.

if you ever find out, please tell me :heh:

in the vid, was it just the cameras mic?

Sounded good, almost as good as my Lee Jackson :p
You live in the US right? I saw more than 5 GP-1000 (both models) popping up. The cheapest one went for 220€ but unfortunately most of the sellers don't ship to Germany.
Yeah but I lost at the biddings.Everyone bid at the last minute and my computer is a little slow.:cry:
Yeah Corny, I agree with the others. It's cooler if you can actually play your music than having the image of some rock star. Phoenix gave some good examples (like deh moohammed). You'll be much more respected if you can play properly. You don't want ppl to talk about you as if you're Herman Li and Sam, right? :lol:

I agree but is not just a matter of playing accurate. You have to play accurate and for that you need a guitar in a comfortable place, but then you have to try to interact with the crowd and do interesting stuff so anyone gets bored. But getting the guitar in an uncomfortable position to look cooler is a no no at least for me.

Practice-run video for that blooddrunk competition.
Sloppy central!.

That was actually good, but I agree with Corny on the thing that you have to try to be original and do the vid as weird and cool as you can while you nail the solo as you did there.

And @the guitar height issue: I know that there are some examples like PG and Muhammed who show, that they look cool with an a bit higher hanging guitar. But Paul plays shred stuff and Muhammed plays technical death metal. Everyone notices that and tolerates that they have their guitars higher.

I think I'll do it like Dnuu.. said (starting high and going a bit lower every time).

And a serious question again: Does anyone know good stage acts for short haired? Last year, I could bang my head off, now I need something else, like running around a lot.

About the guitar height, I'd say get it in a comfortable position, don't try to look cool by fucking up your playing or making it a lot harder.

About ways of looking cool, I've never seen what's that bad about headbanging without hair. Kerry King does it and looks way better than Jeff Hanneman. I'd say just headbang normaly and then wander around the stage, do some facial expressions (that one of showing your tongue that Alexi loves that much is a helpful one when you don't want to move because you're playing something a bit mroe complicated f.e.) and then try to team up with the other guitar player or with the bass player and do something like this:


It's silly and simple, but looks damn cool and people likes it. Also, stare at the crowd, make them feel like you want them to be part of the show and that you're there to entretain them, not just to play, do your job and go. And don't think that much about your short hair. Long hair is not something you need to rock the stage. It's handy and helps, and it's great to hide your face when you fuck something up :lol:, but it's not neccesary.

i JUST realized that Death is the fucking greatest band ever

You just realized it now? Where the fuck have you beed? Death rocks man :kickass:
You miss so much stuff when you're away for a few days! :( I just got home from a trip with a friend, for those who missed me (wink wink mysti mysti :lol:! )

I just read through some stuff on the last pages, and on the matter of becoming a professional musician; i'm starting uni in a few weeks, with a whole other direction from music, so music is pretty much just going to be a hobby, but that's perfectly fine for me, as long as i can keep doing my own stuff.
And don't think that much about your short hair. Long hair is not something you need to rock the stage. It's handy and helps, and it's great to hide your face when you fuck something up :lol:, but it's not neccesary.

Long hair makes you look cool and that's it. Its actually harder to play because most of the time you can't see much if you're headbanging alot and in my case (my hair is 70cm long) I watch out so that hair doesn't get in the strings...I had this happen before!!
i JUST realized that Death is the fucking greatest band ever

symbolic and human will remain in my top 10 metal albums. also listen to chuck's other project control denied

also for all you pt fans, steven wilson's solo album will be out in november!!!!!

im cumming just thinking about it
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You miss so much stuff when you're away for a few days! :( I just got home from a trip with a friend, for those who missed me (wink wink mysti mysti :lol:! )

I just read through some stuff on the last pages, and on the matter of becoming a professional musician; i'm starting uni in a few weeks, with a whole other direction from music, so music is pretty much just going to be a hobby, but that's perfectly fine for me, as long as i can keep doing my own stuff.

:D How was your downtown trip?

Oh and even tho you'll be doing music as a hobby, I really hope you try to pursue a band to play your own compositions. I can totally see you as being a paul gilbert type of guitarist....meaning you'll write a lot of guitar-driven instrumental tracks and get some musicians to record them with and then just release them as your solo albums. That'd be pretty nice to see happen :cool: