Guitar Player's Thread

i have a band that's not exactly metal, we do a lot of gigs. but now im starting a metal band and were going to start with some cannibal corpse/death/kataklysm covers. just easy shit for now. it's weird because my best friends in it and he usually does guitar but he is fucking amazing at growling so he's just gonna be the singer.
^I'm sorry, but Death's not what I'd call easy suff man, :lol: And Cannibal Corpse has some tricky rythmic patterns and guitar riffs in there, especially for the right hand.

:D How was your downtown trip?

Oh and even tho you'll be doing music as a hobby, I really hope you try to pursue a band to play your own compositions. I can totally see you as being a paul gilbert type of guitarist....meaning you'll write a lot of guitar-driven instrumental tracks and get some musicians to record them with and then just release them as your solo albums. That'd be pretty nice to see happen :cool:

Actually I see Inhe the same way, :lol: I expect a solo album from him one day, even though if it's just a demo for us UM guitar freaks. He does quite cool stuff for his songs, so I wouldn't mind getting an instrumental album by him.

yes!!! I played drums long before i played guitar and then stopped playing drums for the [ast 3 years and left my drumset at my friends house. Now its back to practicing drums because the music i have grown to like since I didnt have my drums has alot more difficult drums and i cant play that stuff yet! haha
:D How was your downtown trip?

I found what i was looking for atleast :p

Oh and even tho you'll be doing music as a hobby, I really hope you try to pursue a band to play your own compositions. I can totally see you as being a paul gilbert type of guitarist....meaning you'll write a lot of guitar-driven instrumental tracks and get some musicians to record them with and then just release them as your solo albums. That'd be pretty nice to see happen :cool:

Actually I see Inhe the same way, :lol: I expect a solo album from him one day, even though if it's just a demo for us UM guitar freaks. He does quite cool stuff for his songs, so I wouldn't mind getting an instrumental album by him.

That's great to hear! Hopefully work won't take too much time :err:
Does anyone have experience with the Line 6 Pod 2.0? I'm considering to sell my Marshall Mg30dfx and buy a Pod 2.0.

I'm going to use it to jam with my band through a P.A. and to record some stuff directly to my pc.
Hey guys, I wrote that in the cob off topic thread, but ovseth said it belonged here, so there it is, i'll just copy my post (I DID use the search function, but I didn't menage to find anything satisfying):

Hi guys, I recently bought a alexi 200 (the black one but that doesn't change anything) and would like to make some upgrades. First i'm going to lower the string action, then change the stock pickup, which sucks. Now I'm wondering if I should put an emg 81 or a blackout there... I'd like advice from you guys, tell me what you would do.
Hey guys, I wrote that in the cob off topic thread, but ovseth said it belonged here, so there it is, i'll just copy my post (I DID use the search function, but I didn't menage to find anything satisfying):

Hi guys, I recently bought a alexi 200 (the black one but that doesn't change anything) and would like to make some upgrades. First i'm going to lower the string action, then change the stock pickup, which sucks. Now I'm wondering if I should put an emg 81 or a blackout there... I'd like advice from you guys, tell me what you would do.

Definately the Seymour Duncan blackout. It has, as marfal pointed out, more mids. Mids are good for your tone. You can always scoop them with your amp or an EQ pedal if you think there's too much of them. Blackouts also have a better clean tone than EMGs, and a more organic sound than most other active pickups.
Has anyone ever tried Bare Knuckle pickups? I know they're a tad expensive, but I hear they are worth every penny. I want to upgrade from my EMG HZ-4 (it's just overall pretty weak) and I'm interested specifically in the Warpig, The Mule, Painkiller, and Holydiver pickups. They sound br00tal from the online descriptions :p
Has anyone ever tried Bare Knuckle pickups? I know they're a tad expensive, but I hear they are worth every penny. I want to upgrade from my EMG HZ-4 (it's just overall pretty weak) and I'm interested specifically in the Warpig, Painkiller, and Holydiver pickups. They sound br00tal from the online descriptions :p

I haven't tried any of them, but I've heard good things about the Warpig. I'd buy one if I was into this pickup-switching stuff.
miracle man is really awesome for metal and its like an 81 but warmer, if you get what i mean?
nailbomb is pretty versatile not to great with clean chords though
war pig is really bassy but not in a bad way its the highest output of all the BK pickups, its pretty badass