Guitar Player's Thread

I myself want to be a recording engineer and own my own studio. My ideal future would be to tour in a band, but schedule recording projects around the band's touring schedule.
yeah, and berklee is way more prestigious, it's just extremely hard to get in. i know im set for college money-wise (rich g-pa ftw) but im going to audition for it and its just so fucking hard to get in and i gotta learn all this theory shit now and learn classical and jazz etc.

i know, but it's so tedious and boring i hate it to death. but i know i gotta do it

i feel unacomplished because usually in the summer i play a shitload but i've been really slacking lately, im pretty sure its because of my gf. arg. but ive been listening to a shitload of racer x and im in love with them so i started learning fire of rock and miss mistreater
aw man, be careful. same thing happened to my friend who plays guitar. he got a gf and even tho she's all the way across the country, he still doesn't practice as much as he used to, or would like to. He spends a lot of time with her on the phone and shit, so it really sucks for him playing-wise.
yeah, we hang like 24/7, idk how she'd respond if im like "hey i see you everyday, can i have a little me time?"
im sure she wouldnt care but who knows. i also havnt been playing cuz i havnt been motivated to play anything, but now i love the whole hard rock/80's/etc stuff
eh forget it. just tell her you do need your space. and she knows you play guitar and you're serious about it so she better understand. otherwise get a gf who would understand.
pretty good actually! I'm working on a few of my own songs right now, hoping to get them recorded soon, and actually waiting for my sis to do vocals for one of them. I have the music recorded, but she really needs to practice her singing haha. And then maybe I'll follow the trend and set up my own stupid little myspace for these songs. How about you? any original stuff you've got recorded?
I don't want to be a professional musician.
There are only a few guitar players that could live from the album sellings and tours. The rest has to be a guitar teacher or is jobless. Look at Jari from Wintersun for example.
Even if I had the chance to join COB I think after the first tours I would be so much annoyed of playing the same songs all the time and not being able to be on my own. You can't see your family and your wife for the touring time.

I planning to get a "real" job like engineer and not so famous band. For it's much more important to have cool guys (or good looking girls ;)) in the band than getting a record deal and tour all over the world.
yeah, and berklee is way more prestigious, it's just extremely hard to get in. i know im set for college money-wise (rich g-pa ftw) but im going to audition for it and its just so fucking hard to get in and i gotta learn all this theory shit now and learn classical and jazz etc.


and apparently now you have to have 2 years of "formal/professional" education to apply. :zombie:
Just bought a XLSC - 500 - best combo ever. I was afraid it would have enough tightness/bottom end due to one of the speakers being closed, and one open - but GOD this has more than you could ever imagine. Blows ENGL, Marshall Superlead and everything else out of the water.

A good example of how this sounds is;

It is the best amp I've ever heard, and IMO better than a JCM800 - wich was until I heard this one the best amp I had ever heard.

It's just so awesome, so many possibilities. Mid frequency steering, built in attenuator, plus IT GOES TO 12 (wich is one more than 11, take that Nigel (Spinal Tap pun intended). Some even goes to 24 (More)

Also I like the fact that on is "Ready" and standby is "Go". I like humour on an amp.

I'm a fan for life now. And I need to get myself a t-shirt, because without, I can't be a proper fanboy

I won't be able to afford anything but used ones though . And I don't need any amps but this one, except for practice where I have my Roland.

Also, this amp sounded so good that even the shop owner, and the other guys in the shop - blues, metal, rock dudes - whatever, they all loved the sweet tone of this one.
Even my father (who plays the piano) - and knows a ****load about music, amps, sound and everything said that it was the best guitar amp he had ever heard, before I had even decided on it (wich of course I had, I just wanted to play around some more).


anywaiz, it's tweed yellow - wich on paper sounds a little cheesy but IRL looks fucking awesome.

Playing live with this baby will be the awesomes!

Pics coming soon :p
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