Guitar Player's Thread

Here's mine or at least the one that is on my way.

The owner sent me clips and there sounds be plenty of gain suspecting it's the marshall circuit.


Here's the back of mine: Have no ground lift or input light in the back.



So which one does Alexi use??? 87 or 88???
I just worked on and uploaded a brand new...semi-serious song. I know my other songs are either really cheesy, horrible, or just random, but I decided I needed something that stood out and showed a bit more of skill. I understand the drums, timing and tempo could all be better... I know, I know... but I'm one man and not a human time keeper OR a drummer. I do play drums on the recordings, but it's not my instrument of choice, more just for fun and the fact I just like playing my own drums... though they may make the entire song off at parts... ENOUGH excuses. You'll just have to deal with it all. Here is a little bit more info about the song....


This song really was a spur of the moment thing. It started around 10 PM on 8/21/2008 and I said to my friend AJ. I'm going to record drums for a song. Now, without any other ideas or riffs in my head I just played drums in a one take session after getting the "make-shift" mic setup. I then compiled random off the top of my head rhythm's that I thought would just fit. Everything came right after another, nothing properly planned out. The rhythm's actually took the longest as I had to remember what I actually played, since it was that off the top of my head. The solo's were all one take. I only had to get the harmonies at the "funky off time" part down, which took a couple of solid takes... and it's still a bit off... Furthermore, this song was really just a midnight inspiration and within a couple of hours I had it completely finished. Nothing fancy at all, just a couple of one takes here and there and BAM! This is what you have. I know it's not perfect, the timing and drums could definitely be better, but I'm not a drummer nor do I have a good program. Criticism is always welcomed, as I know there are many parts that could be better, but I hope you enjoy my 4 hour recording (its only 2:30 seconds long... just took 4 hours to complete heh) one man band jam that is... "spur of the moment. give it a listen, tell me what you think, what you like, and what you absolutely loathe. If you like what you here, add me as a friend. Make as much noise as you can!

'Beaming Happy To Your Face'

- Andrew
I had a "extra gain" mod done on my '88 GP1000. I don't notice any difference in gain, maybe I'll just turn it back to the original specs...

Anyway, these preamps have just about right amount of gain for metal (not modern sounding though), but you have to crank it to get there. This means no quiet noodling in your bedroom while your parents are sleeping. It gets good at the almost ear-piercing leves...just like Marshalls ;). I took it to my band practice once and the clarity and sound I got out of it completely destroyed the preamp section of my Peavey 5150 :). I have to try a couple of distortion pedals to see if I can get good sound at lower volumes too.....
@sir Royal Eddie: I find it pretty good but the lead should be louder. How long have you played drums? The drums track is not too boring, there is some variety in it, which is cool. Lots of non-drummers who create drums track make them boring. If you have a recording of the two guitars it could be cool because the song in itself sounds pretty good (for a first song?) but the drums are "hiding" your guitar skills a bit.
^^I was thinking about doing a bit of re-mixing myself. I didn't really want to hide anything and make every instrument and rhythm track very audible. There is also a lot of harmonies and chord harmonies in there as well. I also wanted to make the double-bass apparent as in my bands previous recordings thats what we always want to hear the most, but gets drowned out by all other instruments clashing together. I'll probably go back and turn up the leads though later. Thanks.

EDIT: I just went back and re-mixed a few things. Drums are a bit quiter, solos are a bit louder etc.
Hey GUys!

I have an important question. When playing the guitar how can you reduce your pinky movement. I've tried using the pinky alot but its not helping that much.
To be honest, there's no technique as such (that I know of) to reduce "pinky movement". I guess it will come with time as your fingers get stronger.
I read somewhere it's natural. Something like you have only one tendon or something like that for the 3rd and the pinky but maybe it's wrong, I don't know.



EDIT: By the way, try doing a right angle (90°) with your fingers, one by one, keeping the others straight. First finger is OK, 2nd too but when it comes to 3rd and pinky... :lol: That's impossible for me!
Yeah you definately have a tendon for each finger, I know - I snapped one :p But the tendons in your hand do work in pairs which would explain why it's difficult to do that lil right angle trick.
I look forward to trying out the EMG 81&83 combo when my RR1 comes. I've only ever tried one EMG, which was the HZ that came with the J2SP and it was crap. Hopefully, I'll like the sound of these so I won't have to worry about purchasing new pickups.
I hope it will be the "Quick connect" system. If you don't like the tone of the 81 in the bridge, then you should try the 85 in the bridge position. I never played EMGs but I read that a lot of people were happy with the 85 in the bridge position.

Oh yeah, I forgot to say something. The 81 is really showing how good/bad your guitar is. It's a very neutral pick up.
I had active EMGs in all my guitars for a while. They sounded really bad with my lee jackson and really awesome with my mesa and peavey, probably depends on the amp.

Also a lot of people will tell you "EMGs sound the same in any guitar you put them in" which is a crock of shit. I had 81s in the bridge of 3 different guitars and they still all sounded different.