Guitar Player's Thread


This is getting better and better. I asked for the humbucker and he told me that "everything is included in the price".
Then he later confirmed i will get everything of the Model 4.
That means:

J-50BC humbucker
J-200 single coil
J-200 single coil
JE1200 midboost


Haha! Lucky you :cool:

I want to see videos of you guys attempting this NOW!

Not to detract from that amazing performance, but the only way he can play those chords is if his guitar is tuned to an open chord, meaning that all he has to do is use his foot as a capo. He does play some sweet fills every few bars though :lol:
Haha! Lucky you :cool:

Not to detract from that amazing performance, but the only way he can play those chords is if his guitar is tuned to an open chord, meaning that all he has to do is use his foot as a capo. He does play some sweet fills every few bars though :lol:

it's not tuned to an open chord. you can tell by taht chord he hits at 12 sec.

@arvoitus: not to be the resident asshole, but you know, when a deal is too good to be true, it probably isn't :p

new atr single. the solo rapes. xiphos ftw

i know most of you here think metalcore is stupid, but i really dont care :lol:
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Maybe the seller thinks 80's jackson pickups are as bad as the jackson pickups today...
Yeah, i think so. Most of the guitars i have seen with old jackson pickups have been replaced with EMG's. My first J-50BC went pretty cheap also, like 50 dollar.

The one im expecting soon is supercheap, and i cant believe it myself yet. But the buyer just wanted to get rid of it.
He replaced the pickups in all of his 4 guitars to Bareknuckle Pickups.
50 dollars is a lot,I once got a j-50bc for 18 usd!
J-50bc is a good pickup probably the most sought after of jackson pickups.I love the lead tone I get with it its just absolutely phenomenal IMO.Its such a shame they discontinued them...and for duncans none the less which I think are pretty boring pickups.(not meaning to offend S&D users out there.)
hey what do you guys think of this band?

My friend Eric is leaving and he's one of the guitarists. He wants me to replace him, said he'll train me for it and shit...but I can't make up my mind about whether I like it or not...some parts I really the intro rhythm in Off the Cliff, the way the guitars switch off is pretty cool. I think it's the Mesuggah influence that's pulling me in...but the other metal-core kinda shit I'm not too happy with. Just out of curiosity, what would you label this band as? not that it matters, but it'll help me organize my thoughts on it.
To me it sounds like a bit of: thrash, experimental, and slightly metalcore (the way the inhaled vocals sound and partly by the manner that the lead guitar is thrown into the mix). Btw I find nothing wrong with metalcore, I actually like a lot of those bands. Erathma is not something I personally would listen to (although like you said I thought the intro to Into the Cliff was kind of nice), but anyway, those are my thoughts :p
hey what do you guys think of this band?

My friend Eric is leaving and he's one of the guitarists. He wants me to replace him, said he'll train me for it and shit...but I can't make up my mind about whether I like it or not...some parts I really the intro rhythm in Off the Cliff, the way the guitars switch off is pretty cool. I think it's the Mesuggah influence that's pulling me in...but the other metal-core kinda shit I'm not too happy with. Just out of curiosity, what would you label this band as? not that it matters, but it'll help me organize my thoughts on it.

Sounds more like Deathcore for me. I don't think you can compare that band to bands like Killswitch Engage, Parkway Driver or All That Remains. I would definetly join because that is a style im not too familiar with and that really expands ones view and improves playing alot. What do you got to loose anyway? Just let your friend train you for it and then join to see how it is. It has SOME metalcore but this stuff is almost completely Deathcore. What really makes me think of JFAC and such bands are the pig squeals during breakdown etc :lol:

It's your call but i would definetly join it. It would be interesting atleast for me as a guy who is mostly into Melodic metal/trash metal and Metalcore :lol: