Guitar Player's Thread

I miss my Lee Jackson :(((( i'm thinking of bringing my rack and cab up to school

I'm getting a Marshall JCM2000 DSL soon! I'm trading some guy my single rectifier for it!
I really hated that thing, I'm so glad i'm getting rid of it lol

Good move man to me if you need help with your upcoming JCM 2000
Is that a 100 watts ?
dude, it's called headphones. whenever I listen to your guys' submissions on here I always use headphones anyway cuz they let you hear more detail, generally.

My headphones are currently broken :( Well now i listened to it. I really like it but as jmbullet said, it's hard to imagine soloing over it.
Just an idea.

It's the solo backing of Overactive Imagination by Death.
I made a little variation on the first guitar, which was an exact duplicate of the other.

It could be that I'm a little obsessed by Death now, though I see a lot of potential in that riff.:Smug:

Also feel free to add, delete, improve stuff on it, it's a gpfile..

(I'm off now, I'll check this thread again tomorrow.)
couldn't open the file...maybe you could upload it in gp4 format since a lot of the guys here don't use the latest version of GP.

i vote for the backing track i suggested last time
sounds good...but have you tabbed it out in GP? it'd be better if we could hear it without that guy's solo in there...which is pretty cool actually.

My headphones are currently broken :( Well now i listened to it. I really like it but as jmbullet said, it's hard to imagine soloing over it.
yeah...I could see how it could be hard to think of a solo over that. I guess it could sound more like a main riff in a song or something....but then again, Marc already has some ideas for it. and in case it gets chosen, I'll record the bass for it too. give it a beefier sound.
thanks, that was fast. it seems pretty good...a little boring in terms of soloing ideas, but maybe that's just me. it's definitely a change from what we've done in the past.
About the Mark Moore I think the same as the last time: I think it's going to be difficult to solo over that, especially for people like me who knows shit about theory and can't recognise the keys or when it's switching from Dmaj to Emin. But anyway, I'm taking part no matter which BT we choose.

Cool guitar dude! :kickass: BTW, I want to suck too! :lol:

well shit, thanks for the opinions guys :(

I hadn't heard it before because I simply hadn't been on the internet. It's cool, but for me too seems a bit weird to solo over, although some ideas came to my mind too. I wouldn't say no though.
I don't know if I'll take part or no but here's what I think about the BTs:

@ Mystique1721: I don't like it, maybe because of the tone. Another thing which I think is not that good for a jam is that transition (don't really know how to explain that in English) so you first play the riff then you play it higher.

@ Marfal66: Could be great but it needs an intro and yeah, I also think it will be boring to hear that riff during X minutes. Nice to have another signature than the usual 4/4 though.

@ Earth Breather: I find it very cool. That's a nice music, slow tempo so many guitar player's can take part without having to play fast and sloppy.
well that was one of the reasons i like it so much, it is not meant to shred over, though it is an option. I will upload the backing track when I get back from school

Hey guys I have a question for you. It's about Ibanez pickups: which ones are better (considering that they are Ibanez stock pickcups and that they're far from being top quality) to get a nice ''not so agressive and metal'' tone to play softer stuff and eventually play some clean stuff?

-AHS1/AHS2/True Duo bucker set (guitar is Ibanez SAS36FM)
-INF1/INFS1/INF2 set (guitar is Ibanez S670FM)
-True Duo bucker/True Duo bucker set (guitar is Ibanez SAS32EX)

I have my RR for band stuff and for metal playing and all stuff, but I would like to have a guitar with a lighter tone and more versatile and I've always liked the S shape, so that's why I'm considering that.
@ Marfal66: Could be great but it needs an intro and yeah, I also think it will be boring to hear that riff during X minutes. Nice to have another signature than the usual 4/4 though.

Well, you have a point there, It gets boring pretty fast.
About the signature, I didn't tab it, but if the tabber made it triplets instead of 8ths, the signature would be 4/4 (when the tempo is decreased also).

I don't know anything about Ibanez, sorry.

Me neither, sorry dude.
The thing is that there are less people who visit the gear thread than the GP's thread so you can't expect every guitar player to see your question in the gear thread. Of course you'll get less opinions than in the GP's thread but I think you have to ask in the gear thread.
Yes...his playing is not exactly clean or right at the Bodom stuff. Yet he has the best gp1000 tone i have heard to this point...(Yeah you heard me!)

:lol::lol: Are your fucking ears broken??? I can get a better tone than that with my fucking practice amp, haha!!!! :lol: You're even saying it's better than Suicide By My Side? lawl.

Alright guys, I kept my word. Finished my BT tonight.
I made the guitars kinda punk rock and drums are pretty methul. It's a nice combo I think. But feel free to hate it :p

I thought it was pretty good, not sure if it'd be too easy to solo over though, unless it was a quick 15 second thing.

Just an idea.


It's the solo backing of Overactive Imagination by Death.
I made a little variation on the first guitar, which was an exact duplicate of the other.

That, to me, sounds very awkward. I don't think this sound would attract many players. Also, what I wrote above applies to this too, in my opinion, of course.

i vote for the backing track i suggested last time

It's not bad. It's a possibility if nothing better comes up.

Personally, I like solos that are more simple that focus on the lead itself, not playing loads of notes over a riff that has 9 different notes and makes it difficult to play over because too many notes clash.

I was listening to the backing track for the LARRY CARLTON thing that Guthrie Govan solos over and thought it sounds kinda cool. Just because he's using loads of crazy ideas, doesnt' mean we would all have to:

Here's a .rar files of BT's that I think would be suitable:

I can write chords for each BT if anyone wants to try and have a go over an of them. I think 03 or 04 would be really great.
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:lol::lol: Are your fucking ears broken??? I can get a better tone than that with my fucking practice amp, haha!!!! :lol: You're even saying it's better than Suicide By My Side? lawl. .

I was talking of youtubers :lol: Well your tone would be a bit too trebley/thin for my taste. Thats why i liked that was beefier(Not saying your tone is bad or anything...just talking about my preference in general). In all yet to hear a GREATOMGZLULZAWESOME tone by GP-1000(Nor on record, nor live). Don't chew my head off for it though...just my silly opinion :p And no im not saying Sinergy recordings or anything like that would sound bad im just implying im not too much of a fan with the actual "Live" tone.

There i said it :lol:


Why does Schecter Finland import suck this much? 1 month to get a damn Hellraiser....dayyyyyyyyym! :mad:
My tone isn't thin at all, it's the camera mic and my fucking practice amp. Not all of us have 10000000000 watt mega stacks in their room.

Even if my tone sounds thin on the vids, it's sure as hell better sounding than that garbage. Someone shoot the cunt and give the preamp to someone who can play, too.