Guitar Player's Thread

Yes, I understand. But everytime I practice, after some minutes I start improvising and stop 'practicing'. I can't keep on practicing...

I totally know that feeling! Happens to me alot.
What I do is, I do every lick and riff for my warmup 5 times each, and then proceed to have some fun (learn songs, play stuff, improvise).
Sometimes I practice technique all day long though, but only if I feel it's fun - wich actually happens alot. Because I love the feeling of improving (not that you can feel right away, but you know you're bettering yourself).

This is my other guitarist DOM, he is Asian and is also fat like me. He is the metal

Hi, my name is Steven, I am asian and I too am quite chunky. Am i the Metal?
just got back from an all night recording session rerecording the song I posted. Professionally recording is realllllly fucking tough. Ima go to bed, the song should be up within a couple days.
I'm a total noob when it's time to practice. Mitch uploaded a 'Technique Builders' .RAR file few weeks ago but it seems that I need some kind of 'practice schedule' with goals. Actually when you start practicing and concentrating on your play after having played for few years but never practiced, you don't really know how it works.
I usually loose my motivation while practicing because I feel useless. I don't know if it's because of the first time I practice or if it's the same even for advanced players who try to play harder things. I also don't know if when your able to play fast and keep on practicing it's the same thing. To me, being able to play 'fast' and 'clean" is a very big step and I don't want to stay at the same level for years.

Hey guys,I'm new to this forum,I guess this is my first post.Umm I'm from rochester new york.I like metal.Jackson guitars are teh sex.

This is my guitar,its an ltd. Jackson DK2m in Bengal Blue.Its got a Seymour Duncan HSS pickup setup,and a maple neck.I swear to god this is the best neck I've ever played on.

Here you are. ;) (I think the link will die soon)

I totally understand your problem. I had the toughest time just sitting there are forcing myself to practice some months ago. But eventually, it all comes down to discipline. For me, I just thought about playing guitar so much and felt so guilty when I was doing something else, like watching tv, I finally just set up a practice routine for myself to follow so I would stop feeling so bad about not practicing enough. Maybe what could help you is if you pretend like you're your own teacher (which I'm assuming you actually are) and assign yourself "homework" every day. I know it sounds hard or boring to do, and it will be the first few times you start doing it, but eventually, when you see the progress and improvement, it will become fun, like Dun said. so maybe just have the "strict" practicing for about 20 minutes a day, and after that, play whatever you want, do whatever you want. Just at least get 20 min. a day of real practicing down.

And you don't have to practice 6 hours a day. An hour, even half an hour will do, if you're just focused and do what you're supposed to do while doing it.
This actually counts for alot of things in life.
Fuck "practicing". For the past so many years all I did was play what I wanted to; licks, full songs etc. Technique then develops more naturally as opposed to forcing yourself into it, even to the point when playing is no longer fun. I remember PG once saying something like there's no better practice than learning a new song everyday. Obviously that's kinda impractical but you get the idea. Playing the guitar should be enjoyable! At least imo.
Thanks for your advice. By the way, someone contacted me because he can't go to Paul Gilbert's gig. He will sell me the ticket for 15€ and he lives in my city. I don't have the ticket yet but I'm very happy! I'm sure being at that gig will make me want to improve myself.
Pђoenix;7612062 said:
Fuck "practicing". For the past so many years all I did was play what I wanted to; licks, full songs etc. Technique then develops more naturally as opposed to forcing yourself into it, even to the point when playing is no longer fun. I remember PG once saying something like there's no better practice than learning a new song everyday. Obviously that's kinda impractical but you get the idea. Playing the guitar should be enjoyable! At least imo.

Sure! Guitar is all about the fun.
You shouldn't play to become some shred god, but to have fun!
About the forum jam BTs I don't know, but as I already told you that I want a slow BT this time I think I'm going to say either 2 or 3.

I take back what I said. After jamming to all of them this morning my choice is the Mark Moore BT.

just got back from an all night recording session rerecording the song I posted. Professionally recording is realllllly fucking tough. Ima go to bed, the song should be up within a couple days.

Yeah, pro recording is kinda hard. I should have studio sessions somewhere around Christmas.

Pђoenix;7612062 said:
Fuck "practicing". For the past so many years all I did was play what I wanted to; licks, full songs etc. Technique then develops more naturally as opposed to forcing yourself into it, even to the point when playing is no longer fun. I remember PG once saying something like there's no better practice than learning a new song everyday. Obviously that's kinda impractical but you get the idea. Playing the guitar should be enjoyable! At least imo.

Agreed. That's what I do. I sometimes get a particular lick or thing and play it for 10 minutes with the metronome going faster and faster but not usually, because if I do that a lot I ge really bored.
For the backing track: I dont think someone agrees but I would like to do a jam over something different. Like techno, or something classical or hip hop inspired.
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Hey again Guitarplayersthread. I got a band a while ago, finally :D And all because I helped this girl (drummers GF) change strings on her Epiphone SG because she didn't know how to:D
They wanted a new guitarist, because they said the last one sucked. Is this win?