Guitar Player's Thread

Aye, being in a band is great fun! My band havent really played live yet cause we're stripped down to 2 members atm :lol:

But we write a lot of music, exchange ideas and rehearse whenever we see fit, recording and shit, great fun
We've played 5 gigs and have 2 more due in Oct 4th and 6th, and ''studio sessions'' somewhere around Christmas for our demo, but still I think the funiest time was when we started the band and we were rehearsing in a shithole from some friends of us with 15W amps :lol:
aww reading about all your band experiences makes me really wanna start one :( and I think I would if I found the right people who would be into playing melodic metal, but finding the "right" people is a really hard thing to do. I might jam with my neighbor soon, he's played guitar for about a I doubt we'd write the type of music I like...but at least it's a start. Bad thing about him tho, is that he's a huge pot head. And from experience, I know that people who smoke weed constantly aren't very reliable.

anyway, tell me what you guys think about this; I did the guitars yesterday and finished up with the bass tonight. and I could REALLY use some advice on mixing, cuz when it comes to EQs and shit, I have no idea what I'm I try messing around with them, but I hardly hear a difference, so I don't even bother changing anything. I advice you to listen thru headphones cuz the quality tends to be better.

oh yeah, this is only the instrumental version. me and my sis have written the vocals for it, but now I just gotta wait for her lazy ass to record them for me. and she's gonna try to do it black metal style :heh: :lol:
hey guys i was wondering,im trying to get more fuller high pitch squels when i do a pinch harmonic,should i get like a boss compressor ???
hey guys i was wondering,im trying to get more fuller high pitch squels when i do a pinch harmonic,should i get like a boss compressor ???

Forget about that dude, equipment won't make better, only affect the sound a little bit.

Train pinch harmonics, and the higher pitched squeals are often located at the G-H-E string, at the lower frets. For example 3rd fret, G string. It also depends on how you pich the string, and where.

I still find it very hard to do good squeals. Imo I think that the strings have something to say, in D tuning, I can do high pitched squeals very easily on 10-46 strings, but on my 11-56 strings, it is harder managing to pull them off with ease and still sound good and killer.
Forget about that dude, equipment won't make better, only affect the sound a little bit.

Train pinch harmonics, and the higher pitched squeals are often located at the G-H-E string, at the lower frets. For example 3rd fret, G string. It also depends on how you pich the string, and where.

I still find it very hard to do good squeals. Imo I think that the strings have something to say, in D tuning, I can do high pitched squeals very easily on 10-46 strings, but on my 11-56 strings, it is harder managing to pull them off with ease and still sound good and killer.

im using LT-9's which are like 9-40 something but its hard to get a decent squel that sounds loud enought even as much as i try,any tips on methods ??well better frm whtat im doin cause im trying stuff that are outta my zone to try to get a good pinch harmonics
im using LT-9's which are like 9-40 something but its hard to get a decent squel that sounds loud enought even as much as i try,any tips on methods ??well better frm whtat im doin cause im trying stuff that are outta my zone to try to get a good pinch harmonics

Well it could be bad distortion, or of you are using overdrive, I can't get any decent squeals when using overdrive.

If it isn't that, you just have to practise. I still do.
im using LT-9's which are like 9-40 something but its hard to get a decent squel that sounds loud enought even as much as i try,any tips on methods ??well better frm whtat im doin cause im trying stuff that are outta my zone to try to get a good pinch harmonics

It depends what tuning you are using, but if you tune down to D or dropped C, it might be your strings that are too light... I tune down to dropped C, I use 11-49 and my squeals are just fine.
well you see i can get the squels but its like it never lasts even as well as i try to get the pinch harmonics,and i do get it i think its the distortion,anyways,does anyone have reviews on the EMG HZ with pole piece cause im really thinking of changin mine to the EMG 8 with the MM-04 booster as ive heard they work pretty well cause i feel the HZ has a really dry sound to it
It depends what tuning you are using, but if you tune down to D or dropped C, it might be your strings that are too light... I tune down to dropped C, I use 11-49 and my squeals are just fine.

damn,im tuned to D standard,damn if i change i have to get the ployd intonated,thats a pain in the butt both ways,if i have to do it myself or the shop do it :cry:
I'm going to be doing recording a bunch of my own stuff while I'm at school for fun and i want everything to have the same tone so I'm trying to decide on the uniform tone for the "album".

I am going for that Soilwork/Inflames/Arch Enemy sort of sound.
On my soundclick there are 3 new clips:

Impulse Test 1
Impulse Test 2
Impulse Test 3

In the clips there is no post-EQ'ing of the guitars, Im going to probably stick a HP and LP filter on there to get it a punchier sound.

Let me know which clip you like the best, they are all the same performance with just different impulses so they sound pretty similar.
I've taken a listen to each one, and to me the problem is - the sound is way to loose.

It needs more tightness imo, and less rectifier sounding tone. But tone is opinion, I'm just throwing mine out there.
I know what you mean, some post-EQing boosting th mids will help give it a tighter sound.
I know half the people here are going to be like EWW ITS NOT RAWW LIKE ALEKSI'S YOUS NEEDS TO USE LEEJAWCKSONS

But I dont want that bodomy sound for my melodic death thing, im saving that tone for my band stuff