Guitar Player's Thread

aww reading about all your band experiences makes me really wanna start one :( and I think I would if I found the right people who would be into playing melodic metal, but finding the "right" people is a really hard thing to do. I might jam with my neighbor soon, he's played guitar for about a I doubt we'd write the type of music I like...but at least it's a start. Bad thing about him tho, is that he's a huge pot head. And from experience, I know that people who smoke weed constantly aren't very reliable.

anyway, tell me what you guys think about this; I did the guitars yesterday and finished up with the bass tonight. and I could REALLY use some advice on mixing, cuz when it comes to EQs and shit, I have no idea what I'm I try messing around with them, but I hardly hear a difference, so I don't even bother changing anything. I advice you to listen thru headphones cuz the quality tends to be better.

oh yeah, this is only the instrumental version. me and my sis have written the vocals for it, but now I just gotta wait for her lazy ass to record them for me. and she's gonna try to do it black metal style :heh: :lol:

ok.....was it really that bad? or you guys are too lazy to check it out? I think I'm gonna stop asking for advice on here. seems pretty futile.
I'm going to be doing recording a bunch of my own stuff while I'm at school for fun and i want everything to have the same tone so I'm trying to decide on the uniform tone for the "album".

I am going for that Soilwork/Inflames/Arch Enemy sort of sound.
On my soundclick there are 3 new clips:

Impulse Test 1
Impulse Test 2
Impulse Test 3

In the clips there is no post-EQ'ing of the guitars, Im going to probably stick a HP and LP filter on there to get it a punchier sound.

Let me know which clip you like the best, they are all the same performance with just different impulses so they sound pretty similar.

It tells me that ''Error ocurred while processing request'' :ill:, but I liked the tone you had in your death metal song that you posted a while ago.

ok.....was it really that bad? or you guys are too lazy to check it out? I think I'm gonna stop asking for advice on here. seems pretty futile.

I know shit about EQing, that's why I didn't post anything at first. I mean, I find useless to post ''sounds nice!!!'' even though I know it feels nice to read nice reviews of your own stuff, but since I don't have many time and I thought people with more things to say would pop up I wrote nothing, :lol:
in the summer it was like 2-3 days
now since its the school year just on the weekends. He's high everyday? damn :lol:
yup. it's hard for those kinda people to be really dedicated to something, cuz weed basically rules their live. I've seen it happen to many people, sadly.

I know shit about EQing, that's why I didn't post anything at first. I mean, I find useless to post ''sounds nice!!!'' even though I know it feels nice to read nice reviews of your own stuff, but since I don't have many time and I thought people with more things to say would pop up I wrote nothing, :lol:

it's cool. but I know so many of you guys on here record, so there has to be a few of you with recording advice. but I'm gonna look for a recording forum or soemthing. or maybe i'll try that Andy Sneap forum.
I record a lot, but I just record, :lol: The further I go about EQ stuff is panning the guitars and adding a bit of chorus to some leads with Cool Edit Pro. Anything else. What you hear in my recordings is exactly how it sounds through my earphones while I'm playing.
got this hammerfall solo by ear. its so fun to play. now I just need to clean up the sloppy parts rofl
ok.....was it really that bad? or you guys are too lazy to check it out? I think I'm gonna stop asking for advice on here. seems pretty futile.

Try double tracking the rhytm atleast. Then panning the tracks to each side. Make guitars louder and they seem a bit too muddy. I suggest also adding more bass. Otherwise i like it. Not bad...some sloppy spot but its ok. When i do rhytm tone i usually use a pretty mid scooped sound like lower mids,treble around 2 o clock or something, bass at noon or higher and gain at 11 o clock :) In the leads...treble should be high and mids also and gain can be let higher aswell and bass lowered. That way it cuts through much better.

Hope that helps.
Try double tracking the rhytm atleast. Then panning the tracks to each side. Make guitars louder and they seem a bit too muddy. I suggest also adding more bass. Otherwise i like it. Not bad...some sloppy spot but its ok. When i do rhytm tone i usually use a pretty mid scooped sound like lower mids,treble around 2 o clock or something, bass at noon or higher and gain at 11 o clock :) In the leads...treble should be high and mids also and gain can be let higher aswell and bass lowered. That way it cuts through much better.

Hope that helps.

thank you for actually commenting :) There's not just one guitar doing the rhythm, both guitars are doing rhythm and lead, just not always at the same time. and they are panned to each side. I thought the bass was fairly audible, no? anyway, I know my tone still sucks. It's just freakin hard to tweek up a good tone. It'll come with time I hope. But I'll try out your settings for bass, treble, and mids.
Pickup reccomendation question:

In my stars, I feel that my EMG-HZ is too muddy, not so clear, and not so "IM GONNA MUTILATE YOUR FACE!", if you get me?

I want a sharp, good mid, powerful, clear tone. I ofc want Alexi's TW tone, but it would be hard to get all the components. I was thinking about the Blackout, not because of Allu but because of all the good reviews. Anyone tried it? Does it meet my requirements?

If not, recommend any pup that does.

And I also don't have the chance to try most of 'em.. I don't live in a very big place. So i'll have to order the pickup, and just hope for the best, like I did with my Japan RR.
i own the blackout. it's very responsive. it's a subtle pickup, you won't notice a whole lot at first. i relate to the way you notice the absence of a good stereo system more than you notice its presence when you first get it. it's also one of the hottest (output) pups on the market right now.

and then there's the EMG 81, if you just want a standard emg tone. i do'nt really need to explain that one, do i? :p
thank you for actually commenting :) There's not just one guitar doing the rhythm, both guitars are doing rhythm and lead, just not always at the same time. and they are panned to each side. I thought the bass was fairly audible, no? anyway, I know my tone still sucks. It's just freakin hard to tweek up a good tone. It'll come with time I hope. But I'll try out your settings for bass, treble, and mids.

No problem! It's very hard to find good recording tone. I got a couple good tones. Well the guitar didn't have that much bass and it wasn't eq'd tight enough so it wasn't that puncy. Just fuck around with the EQing and it will be ok!

Just to get you started: my Rhytm tone in a recording i did was:(I assume you have gearbox)

Drive: 12 o clock
Bass: 12-13 o clock
Middle: 9 o clock(yeah i know it's low but i used this to fill out the sound and it worked quite good:) )
Treble:12 o clock
Presence: 12 o clock(This is important! Too much will easily mud up your tone, you should add treble and presence in lead tones though but when you want those tight crushing chords it's gonna mud up a bit)

The amp simulations i used on that one is 1993 Solo 100 Head and 4x12 1996 Brit Celests v-30. :) That's just my rhytm tone and to get you started. You might find it close to what you want there. It isn't a setting youd play live with or anything its just that its fits and fills out alot of that "hollowness" in recordings and sounds nice and punchy. If you want it to be even punchier just lower gain a bit. There...i hope i helped. Might have sounded a bit like bullshit but thats how i got the tone for this recording which was actually my frst recording. Don't worry bout the drums...just shitty Guitar Pro drums :lol:

Pickup reccomendation question:

In my stars, I feel that my EMG-HZ is too muddy, not so clear, and not so "IM GONNA MUTILATE YOUR FACE!", if you get me?

I want a sharp, good mid, powerful, clear tone. I ofc want Alexi's TW tone, but it would be hard to get all the components. I was thinking about the Blackout, not because of Allu but because of all the good reviews. Anyone tried it? Does it meet my requirements?

If not, recommend any pup that does.

And I also don't have the chance to try most of 'em.. I don't live in a very big place. So i'll have to order the pickup, and just hope for the best, like I did with my Japan RR.
Hmmm...i've always had in my mind a MM-04 and a Seymour Duncan TB5 would sound awesome. The TB5 is awesome as that aswell...i bet that could work. And i doubt you want to leave your booster hole open, do you?
Hmmm...i've always had in my mind a MM-04 and a Seymour Duncan TB5 would sound awesome. The TB5 is awesome as that aswell...i bet that could work. And i doubt you want to leave your booster hole open, do you?

Nope, I don't, but I really hate the EMG-PA2, it's utter shit.
I recently for this aprox. 800$ scholarship (?) this month, and I want to spend it on guitar related things. I also have to buy books, but I have all books exept one.

But what I was thinking was that I could just get an active pickup, instead of booster (mm-04) and a passive pickup. I don't mind not having a booster tbh.
Nope, I don't, but I really hate the EMG-PA2, it's utter shit.
I recently for this aprox. 800$ scholarship (?) this month, and I want to spend it on guitar related things. I also have to buy books, but I have all books exept one.

But what I was thinking was that I could just get an active pickup, instead of booster (mm-04) and a passive pickup. I don't mind not having a booster tbh.

EMG kicks yer ass :lol:

Seriously spoken though, I love my EMG pups :) The HZ sucks IMO though and the PA-2/Afterburner were worthless. Just felt like giving it more gain. I've heard the MM-04 is alot different though so thats why i said about that and SH-5...
Pђoenix;7612062 said:
Fuck "practicing". For the past so many years all I did was play what I wanted to; licks, full songs etc. Technique then develops more naturally as opposed to forcing yourself into it, even to the point when playing is no longer fun. I remember PG once saying something like there's no better practice than learning a new song everyday. Obviously that's kinda impractical but you get the idea. Playing the guitar should be enjoyable! At least imo.

That's exactly what I do NOW. I used to practice properly but I don't anymore and I find it more enjoyable. I used to hate doing it because it was so boring and I didn't find myself improving much.

I take back what I said. After jamming to all of them this morning my choice is the Mark Moore BT.

Seems like everyone likes this track. I think we'll use this, then Technical Difficulties after or a slow one after (like the Guthrie one) and then RD after that, to avoid doing too much metal/shred.

For the backing track: I dont think someone agrees but I would like to do a jam over something different. Like techno, or something classical or hip hop inspired.

Hmm, seems a bit difficult to come up with something that would fit imo.

Hey again Guitarplayersthread. I got a band a while ago, finally :D And all because I helped this girl (drummers GF) change strings on her Epiphone SG because she didn't know how to:D
They wanted a new guitarist, because they said the last one sucked. Is this win?

Depends how shit (or good) the band are.

anyway, tell me what you guys think about this; I did the guitars yesterday and finished up with the bass tonight. and I could REALLY use some advice on mixing, cuz when it comes to EQs and shit, I have no idea what I'm I try messing around with them, but I hardly hear a difference, so I don't even bother changing anything. I advice you to listen thru headphones cuz the quality tends to be better.

oh yeah, this is only the instrumental version. me and my sis have written the vocals for it, but now I just gotta wait for her lazy ass to record them for me. and she's gonna try to do it black metal style :heh: :lol:

That was really cool! You've definitely progressed loads since you first joined, I look forward to hearing the vocal version.

hey guys i was wondering,im trying to get more fuller high pitch squels when i do a pinch harmonic,should i get like a boss compressor ???

Nope, just practice more and use HARD picking and WIDE vibrato.

Cool stuff! Preview on the next GW issue!

It's a tour of MAB's house, and in the middle somewhere there's a lesson by PG!

I hope PG won't show something he's shown 50million times already. He's writing a new album, maybe he could give us a lick from that or something from SFBADR.


Haha, I saw this the other day!!

I'm going to be doing recording a bunch of my own stuff while I'm at school for fun and i want everything to have the same tone so I'm trying to decide on the uniform tone for the "album".

I am going for that Soilwork/Inflames/Arch Enemy sort of sound.
On my soundclick there are 3 new clips:

Impulse Test 1
Impulse Test 2
Impulse Test 3

In the clips there is no post-EQ'ing of the guitars, Im going to probably stick a HP and LP filter on there to get it a punchier sound.

Let me know which clip you like the best, they are all the same performance with just different impulses so they sound pretty similar.

I couldn't hear MUCH difference but test 2 sounded the best to me, not too thin and not too bassy.
got this hammerfall solo by ear. its so fun to play. now I just need to clean up the sloppy parts rofl

Nice!! You're another player that I've noticed has improved loads since the beginning, great job!

Pickup reccomendation question:

In my stars, I feel that my EMG-HZ is too muddy, not so clear, and not so "IM GONNA MUTILATE YOUR FACE!", if you get me?

I want a sharp, good mid, powerful, clear tone. I ofc want Alexi's TW tone, but it would be hard to get all the components. I was thinking about the Blackout, not because of Allu but because of all the good reviews. Anyone tried it? Does it meet my requirements?

If not, recommend any pup that does.

And I also don't have the chance to try most of 'em.. I don't live in a very big place. So i'll have to order the pickup, and just hope for the best, like I did with my Japan RR.

J-50BC? :p

:lol: at I"M GONNA MUTILATE YOUR FACE. But yea the EMG-HZs weren;t my pickups either. I have a Seymour Duncan SH-6 instead in my Arrowhead, and I like them so far.

Do the Real ESP models have alder bodies too?

And here's two videos I recorded yesterday for fun:
[ame=]Sinergy - Wake Up In Hell[/ame]
[ame=]Kylähullut - Vitun Urpo![/ame]

Btw, what does "Vitun Urpo!" actually mean?
Depends how shit (or good) the band are.

They are a good, decent band. With nice ok songs, tho they are lacking the POWEROFSOLOS. Which they assigned me to do.

J-50BC alone won't make that sound:mad:


Nah seriously, I read that the J-50BC had little gain and not so much punch. I want a pickup with face mutilating razor sharp powers without the need of a preamp or booster. Actually.. I just want something better than my HZ's. I think i'm gonna order the blackouts.
^Yeah if you're going active, get a Blackout.

Btw, seems like the Alexi signature guitars have EMG-HZs and not Blackouts anymore according to Makes sense since alexi isn't endorsed by Seymour Duncan anymore.
They are a good, decent band. With nice ok songs, tho they are lacking the POWEROFSOLOS. Which they assigned me to do.

J-50BC alone won't make that sound:mad:


Nah seriously, I read that the J-50BC had little gain and not so much punch. I want a pickup with face mutilating razor sharp powers without the need of a preamp or booster. Actually.. I just want something better than my HZ's. I think i'm gonna order the blackouts.

well ive heard stuff about the blackout,and i also want somethin better then MY DAMN HZ haha get EMG 81's then,im in the same position as you right now whether Blackouts or EMGs