Guitar Player's Thread

^ don't bother. nothing going on. no news on the jam either.

is there anyway one of you guys can upload Bed of Razors for me (the album version)? It would be much appreciated :)
*smooch* lawlz

i just got the dankest dinner
a chicken al pesto panini sandwich
and a guava kombucha
and im listening to the star wars cantina band song

im livin the dream right here
and im listening to the star wars cantina band song

im livin the dream right here

da da da da DAA NAA NAA da da dalda daa dadaa DANNN NAA

pirate party was fun but im pissed because of personal problems with a woman that is definitely NOT METAL but its okay because i have hope that things will work out

And also to make this post guitar related... Peavey Revalver MkIII is the fucking shit and i am going to record my album with it. It blows every other amp modeling software out of the water.

does anybody know if the EMG Afterburner is true bypass?
And if I decide not to leave it on, how much will it affect my tone?

I'm basically asking because I like having the possibility to give any amp some more gain if needed, but normally I don't need it at all.
Just get a damn gainboost pedal(MXR makes some) or a OD pedal(Boss,Ibanez,Maxon w.e). The installing of the Afterburner was not worth it. I basically had to rip the damned guitar apart to get it there...

It didn't sound all that great either.

EDIT: Of what i remember it didn't affect overall tone.
I don't have the dough for a pedal, and I don't need one either. I have the afterburner already, and sometimes it's cool to have a little extra gain if you're playing a really low gain amp, that's why I asked. Of course tone matters, but when going for my best tone I won't even touch boosts of any kind.

Installing it is easy as hell :p.
i woke up this morning feeling very wonderful :)
waking up is the best part of the day!

I wake up at 6:30 AM every day since last monday (not during the weekend though). It's a bit hard but yeah, you can take your time having your breakfast and you're not tired when you arrive at school.

Is there any singer here? I posted in the gear-related thread about the gear needed to record vocals. Here

Thank you.
lol of course.

well i saw COB last monday and i met up with pablo (stonecold07 or i think thats his name on here) it was fucking amazing, didnt get to meet the guys but it rawked
and as for new gear im probably gonna get the loomis sig by christmas, i've sorta realized that my amp is actually really good and i might even consider getting the head version which is only like 300 bucks and chuck from death used it as well
Good times, good times. You will save alot of money that way. I don't like the amp but as long as you like it's all good. I will be investing in some rack gear in about a year or something when im done with school i will work hard for over a year! I was thinking about the ENGL E-530 and a used VHT poweramp(Preferably the twofiftytwo). Should be a good set but thats far away from now. The ENGL rack pramp sounds awesome....
I saw someone on youtube running that through a power conditioner or something and it sounded totally awesome!( I must lurk ESP forums for a bit then). I will need a power conditoiner though because in Finland electricity can differ im sure especially in older buildings :lol: But those are not the most expensive and also pop up USED. And used Rocktron Super C hush rack noise gates go for a bit over 100€ too so i will probably get shitloads of used stuff in the future :lol:
I ordered one soon a month back. I will be getting it this coming week or the next. The importer was out of stock so i had to wait(the hellraiser sells rather well) but im happy. I got a offer for it that was 680€ so it's all good! :D It was the Schecter C-1 hellraiser without floyd rose and in black cherry in case you wondered.
That's some insane shit right there. Broderick stuff! I am trying to do that too because my shred was starting to sound a bit boring to be honest and i do love those really melodic solos. I do want to do some shredding to a certain extent though! And yeah i tried the schecter this summer and it was just so perfect match for me. Loved it!