Guitar Player's Thread

A not very well known Steve Vai song, because it's only on the Flex-Able Leftovers CD (brilliant recordings)... but hey, Steve can get very angry haha


Lyrics in the description

Oh, and a video from the concert I was last saturday:

Kaki King is just brilliant at using a looper and at songwriting in general. One of the best concerts I have ever seen. The atmosphere was just amazing. And by the way, she's a really tough (and hot imo) guitarist:


I have the stuff i had bought from a guy, J-50BC + two J200 and a JE1200 midboost. For just 15 fucking euro's!

Yeah, that J-50BC mounting shit is fucked up. Anyway, i will fix that (i guess)
So here's my first recording attempt basically. I think I need to mess with EQ settings some more. Anyway, played some Sinergy :cool: Click here to listen

Great tone dude!!

Still looking for that page posted from a magazine with the amp setup for Blooddrunk. Any ideas where it is?


That was an awesome show! Probably the best I've ever been to! I've taken loads of pictures and videos. I'll share them with you! I've bought his new DVD including the "shred annex" for 15€. I'm really excited to get back from school tomorrow!

Click on the picture to see the album. ;)

I've filmed 12 videos!! 1GB of videos! Paul has played a song from "Burning Organ" he had never played live before but I don't remember the name because I only knew some songs so I'll need your help to know what song I've filmed. I'll make short videoclips of every chorus and I hope you'll help me. I'll upload them on so you can download high quality and I'll also upload them on youtube.



Hm, no actually.. It had a close up picture of the setup for Blooddrunk. Would it be something like:

Gain 6
Bass 6
Treble 8
Middle 8
Reverb 3

I have the stuff i had bought from a guy, J-50BC + two J200 and a JE1200 midboost. For just 15 fucking euro's!

Yeah, that J-50BC mounting shit is fucked up. Anyway, i will fix that (i guess)

Looks like the volume pot on your JE1200 is missing.

Can you take a pic of the underside of the pickup? I'm curious what it looks like. I realized the other day that there are 4 different version of the Jackson J50BC pickup (visual difference) + a japanese version of that pickup.
Looks like the volume pot on your JE1200 is missing.

Can you take a pic of the underside of the pickup? I'm curious what it looks like. I realized the other day that there are 4 different version of the Jackson J50BC pickup (visual difference) + a japanese version of that pickup.
Yeah, but that doesnt matter. The input and output (the place of were the volume pot should be) is soldered together.
I just installed it in my guitar and the booster sounds great, even in a Epiphone 10W practive amplifier!

This is the pickup i recently recieved (from a Model 4);

And this is the pickup i recieved a year ago (from a model 4/6, i think a Model 6):






Im pretty hammered rtight now. went to a "mustache" themed parrty and since i dont have one i drew one on like hulk hogan. handelbars ftw. but seriously awesome party

Album is going good. i got 7/14 songs wrtten, working on getting a good guitar tone and i got a new drum program that will blow your fucking minds. sounds way fat, like the girl i almost boned tonight but pASsed up. okay time to go eat this vending machine chicken sandwich

You know it,. fuck im glad theres not dick mods here. Im already banned from 2 othter forums for posting drunk.

Im glad the BODOM FORUM appreciates intoxication. i dont mean any harm. Right now there are fucking hippies playing acoustic guitar outside my window and im about to lay the law down on them and tell them to go spread their acoustical shit other place\s
^ :lol:

Oh and guysss, I cant choose between a straight or angled cab for a half stack. I've read so many mixed opinions on other threads :(. Both exact same cabs with exact same speakers (V30's). Only difference is straight vs angled. I mainly play at home, in a small band room and possibly small smaller gigs in the future, HALP! What should I get?
just got back from Bodom, my ear pussy is thoroughly ravaged. the opening bands played surprisingly well, although their sets were 15min too long imo :p. Bodom kicked ass, as expected. I lol'd at the Team America intro, and then they blasted follow the reaper, that was awesome. the place was sold out, and there were people straight up hopping fences to get in. I was front row for LBD and Hellhounds, and then i went upstairs to join my buddy on the balcony (the sound quality was way better up there, and i didn't feel like being drenched in other people's sweat lol, it was soooo hot). They played Angels Don't Kill, Smile Pretty For The Devil, Sixpounder... eventually, they got to Children of Decadence :)blush:!!). That was a really nice treat. Hate Me!, of course, more songs, and Hatecrew Deathroll. Ever since the CRY DVD, I've always wanted to be a part of screaming that break-down in the crowd. god that was so cool, everyone knew the words ("we're the hate crew, we stand and we don't fall" bit), in fact everyone knew the words to just about -every- song. They played Bed of Razors at some point, and I was surprised to hear everyone around me singing along. Ended with Downfall, of course. Only major complaint was that they cut out the solos! I mean, Alexi took a few solos in between songs, but they didn't have a drum solo, nor a keys/solo battle, nor a Roope solo. Alexi was really clean, that was a major plus; he did fuck up the Children of Decadence solo, Bed of Razors (might have been Roope, it was the harmony bit), and a few others, but not enough for me to really give a shit. The energy, the stage presence, the showmanship, the technicality, it was all there. All in all, a great show.