Guitar Player's Thread

^ thats really cool! I think the drums could do with being a bit louder.i like around 4 mins where everything is building up. :) Key change at 4:50 is very cool.
/offtopic: out of curiosity where in NZ do you live?
^ thats really cool! I think the drums could do with being a bit louder.i like around 4 mins where everything is building up. :) Key change at 4:50 is very cool.
/offtopic: out of curiosity where in NZ do you live?

Thanks! I live in Tauranga :cool:
Recorded one of my songs... check it out if you want.

Finally, took you long enough :p Cool band name aswell, i'm downloading now, so i'll have a listen soon.

EDIT: Listened! The song itself is cool, love the part around 03:45, the mixing on the other hand could be better. I think the drums are actually too loud, and you should record 2 identical ryhtm guitars, one panned to each side, to give it a "beefier" sound. But that just comes with practice, record some stuff and try out different settings.

One of the most important things i learned about the pod and mixing in general, is that it's not the always the best tone that sounds the best when recorded, so try different tones and just record them, and see what fits.
Finally, took you long enough :p Cool band name aswell, i'm downloading now, so i'll have a listen soon.

EDIT: Listened! The song itself is cool, love the part around 03:45, the mixing on the other hand could be better. I think the drums are actually too loud, and you should record 2 identical ryhtm guitars, one panned to each side, to give it a "beefier" sound. But that just comes with practice, record some stuff and try out different settings.

One of the most important things i learned about the pod and mixing in general, is that it's not the always the best tone that sounds the best when recorded, so try different tones and just record them, and see what fits.

Yeah, i was kind of like... to hell with it, i'll just use any old tone, to see what it sounded like recorded. I haven't had much experience mixing or even recording so i've got a lot to learn. I learn't/recorded/mixed this is an hour or 2 so it came out fairly decent i think. I'm not using soundfonts for backing tracks anymore either, i use EZdrummer for drums and Cakewalk Dimension Pro for all other instruments.

I'll try to improve the mix though.
Yeah, i was kind of like... to hell with it, i'll just use any old tone, to see what it sounded like recorded. I haven't had much experience mixing or even recording so i've got a lot to learn. I learn't/recorded/mixed this is an hour or 2 so it came out fairly decent i think. I'm not using soundfonts for backing tracks anymore either, i use EZdrummer for drums and Cakewalk Dimension Pro for all other instruments.

I'll try to improve the mix though.

I wasn't complaining on your mixing skills, it does take time :p As you said, it was pretty good still for the time you spent! The backing instruments sounded good too me! Only thing i could think of is that you could add some reverb on the acoustic guitar, to get a warmer feel.
You get home late? Do it then, then. It'll take 15mins max. Depends how organised you are.

The big + in that is that no one is distracting me. We will see if i do it tonight. With a bit of goodluck i indeed could. Fuckin theatre stuff...i hate to go to school shit OUTSIDE the actual school time.:lol:
Just for the record.

Romeo was fucking flawless at last nights SX gig. He is a god.
Sebastian Bach, Raymond Herrera, Mario Sebastian on tonight 9:00pm EST UNN

Tonight on the Uncensored Net Noise show located at will have on Sebastian Bach, as well as Raymond Herrera (Fear Factory) and Mario Sebastian (guitarist J-Lo, Marc Anthony) 3/7.

We hope you can check out the show. It will be a live video stream so you can watch us and listen to the show. If you have any questions you would like to ask the guests please go to the chatroom on the website at and register on the site and look forward to seeing you there tonight.

I'm getting pretty pissed off with this one actually, I'm thinking of cancelling.
haha. do it.

Mitch, now seriouly, not because of me but because of the lazyness of the people: you have 4-5 solos + yours, don't you? Call it off until Mystique and I are ready (~1 month I think) and you'll have 7-8 solos, which is not the best but it's a decent amount IMO. This way Inhe and the others that have their solos won't have worked for nothing and you won't spend another month trancking solos that never come. What do you think?

yeah, what he said ^
Pђoenix;7038129 said:
Awesome. Did you manage to get any video footage? I was going to go but I don't wanna make the return trip to London twice in 3 days, being as far away as I am.

indeedy, But due to the way I was holding my phone it's all sideways :lol::lol:

Still, got 20mins with alright video quality (if you play it at the original resolution of the file, google stretches it:/) and excellent sound quality.


Video deleted, a video thats the right way up is "processing". but im going to bed, check back tommorow.
FFS, don't hold it sideways.

As soon as google is done with this It will all be fine.

It's just I use two phones :lol: I have my new phone which I use as a phone, but it has terrible video quality. And its one of those that you hold sideways like a camera. So when I got my old phone out, that is simply used for gig purposes I totally forgot I had to hold it the other way :lol:

But it's fine, I found a program to rotate videos so its uploading now.
First of all, really good of you to post stuff. That's the best way of getting constuctive critism.

About the piece, you should try to mix some different note lenghts, that was all 8th notes, try adding some triplets and things.