Guitar Tone Competition 3: Planning phase

Judging by the list we'll soon have a hundred participants...epic!
On the other hand it would be pretty tiring to listen to all of the submissions, especially later on when you just get saturated and can't decide what sounds good/best any more.
Looks like this will be the biggest installment yet. I most definitely won't be as lenient as last time. Too late or wrong = you're out.
Any news on how the DI tracks are going? Like how much has been tracked so far?

I have a demoversion of the song already. We might give y'all a sneak preview at some point, but thats totally up to Jeff as it is his song. But here are the "Andy Sneap forum metaphor" lyrics I wrote for it (and Jeff finetuned them how a native speaker would write them):

you think there's nothing wrong
lost in an endless maze
the bigger picture unraveled
an obscure, broken shell

now struggling on the way
this supposed enlightened path
aimlessly wandering
this long road

what eyes can not behold
the mind should not compute
why have I been so blind?

glazed eyes can't see
you lack the one thing
needed for control
clueless son
apprentice undone
with no oversight

edit: btw notice the power of the internet: music from USA, vocals from Marocco, lyrics from Finland, final mixing in Australia