

As you can see it's about 10-15 cm below my shoulders
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The longest part of my hair is probably about 4 inches. I'd like to grow it out, but when my hair gets long, it gets curly. I don't want a big Jew-fro like Kyle from South Park :lol:
Lyri said:
If I had to choose between long hair till me bottom and being bald, I'd go on the long hair.. but my hair is so friggin shitty.. I can't handle it! it's just... yuck! :yell: so I'm seriously considering of shaving me head.




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Oh yeah and:


Now what precisely do you have to whinge about? :Smug:

It's past my shoulder blades when it's 'straight'/wet (though it's never tr00ly straight), and yeah, it's an undercut. I'd hate to think how bad it wuld be if it wasn't! :eek:

Eirik said:
look to your left..

somewhere around that... a bit longer now..

When I read this, I didn't look at your avatar - I looked at the wall 90 degrees left of me.

my hair just goes below my chin, dunno how long that is in cm on inches. its finnaly past that 'gay' length when you cant do anything with it, and now when i where my sweat band most people think im some 70's tennis player :lol: