Hard Times At Home...


A God in my own mind
Nov 15, 2001
Atlanta and Chicago
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So yah... I'm here at home with no one to bitch to and I really need to talk about shit. I'm so depressed right now... lemme tell a little story. This girl Danielle... 2 years ago... I was in so much love with her... our relationship was the most perfect relationship you could ever imagine. Her parents found out we had sex (EXTREME Catholic parents)... and they completely banned us from each other. They blocked my phone number, email address, etc... really made it hard for us to talk at all. She would buy calling cards and call me from her high school... but it wasn't much. We really couldn't "be together" anymore. Her mom even threatened a restraining order. We still talked as much as we could for about a year... but I got into another serious relationship... I guess I just really missed companionship where I could hold someone.. someone that could actually be there... I basically made this new girl... Katie... into the girl that Danielle was. I made her into a much better girl than she actually was... so of course... we ended up breaking up... but i had already told danielle about her and that i loved someone else (i was trying to just forget about her and move on because it seemed to be impossible to have our relationship ever again)... well after Katie and I broke up... I realized that I needed Danielle no matter what... somehow... the best girl that I coudl ever have. I talked to her again... but by that time... she had found a serious boyfriend that SHE supposedly loved by then :(... she basically said that I treated her better... we had a better relationship... and she still loved me somewhere... but she still chose him... because basically it was easier... that was this summer. I met a new friend at college who just so happens to live in her town and went to high school with her. Anyways.. last night I went to visit him and it was the first time I had been to that town since Danielle and I had been together... it was so hard... seeing all the places we used to eat at... etc... I had to leave my friends house at 4 AM because I couldn't go to sleep in that town... it killed me to try and go to sleep there... it was horrible... and all day I've just been so depressed... please someone tell me what I should do... I love you guys! :(
hi there...depresion is bad , i know what am talking about...
well we have to go over things we would not want to sometimes.
but life is not always fair. this is what it is , those who say we
always have the choice are wrong , we not always control our lives also...hope it will get better and you will pass through this.
i been trough a lot , human nature can endure lots of things...
and adapt to almost anything. well if you need to talk to someone
feel free to private message me or e-mail me. am always there to help.
I appreciate the offer... it helps a lot just to type it out... get it out somewhere other than my head... and this board has always made me feel so good... it just felt like the perfect place to let it all out... i think the most frustrating thing is that I was just finally starting to really get over her. and all those memories brought back... like they never left
No matter how bad things get, just remember that we all love you here. And you can IM me and bitch anytime you want!:p

Be happy! There must be happiness! :mad:
life is always coming back to the same thing over and over again...
exitement , love , pain , hate , deception... and the circle goes and goes...nice that you feel better by talking of it. my offer is
still , if you need someone am here.
...but you just said you don't believe in god. ;)

I understand what you are going through, man. I am in my old town for about 10 days visiting my mom. I usually would go out with my old friends/girlfriend and not spend much time with my mom because she would have to work. Well, my girlfriend and I decided to break things off since it was too hard to maintain a long distance relationship. Shortly after that I decided to start going back with another girl I used to date a few years ago. I don't think things are gonna work out with us either. I am just torn between the two of them and don't know what to do. I really just want to go to college where I live and not be tied down with a long distance relationship. I just want to start fresh. By the way, I am at my mom's house and spending time with her and am totally avoiding my current 'girlfriend' and my old friends because I don't really have anything in common with them anymore.

It's pretty sad that things have come to this, but I think it's the best way. I don't want to run into my old girlfriend if I am hanging out with my old friends because it would be very awkward since I haven't spoken to her in so long. She still wants to be with me, but I don't really want that. I wanted to spend time with my current girlfriend, but I don't know. I don't think things with her could ever really progress. We are just better friends and just are able to talk about anything or nothing. I think we are too much alike to ever be anything serious. I just hope I can savour our friendship. So, I have two worlds kind of colliding, but I am avoiding them both. It just feels like the easiest thing right now. Everything is just so confusing.

Good luck with your relationships, Towelie. I hope you can gain something from them. Hopefully you can gain some knowledge from this experience and know what to do or what not to do in any future relationships. I just wish that I could find some clarity soon. My whole mood/situation deserves a giant :confused:
i don't have the same situation but i understand depression and i'm always available to n e 1 that needs to talk or anything ... feel free to chat e-mail (culture_ak47@hotmail.com - yes i have messenger aswell) or whatever .... Feel Better!!
Opethian Soul... I know... that really sucks man... at least we can relate... on my hand... I just wish I could find someone I really click with at college... I have so many friends up there... but no girls I would seriously consider seeing... it's frustrating... but if I could just meet someone great up here... I wouldn't care anything about being down here or any EX I was close to... oh well... thanks guys... everyone on this board is awesome and I love you all!
It seems every relationship I get into I have problems ,, the one I'm in at the moment is having one big problem ,,, let me explain ,

My good friend and my girlfriend are like arch enemy's and you know how it is when you in love and you have to choose between spendin the night at the pub drinkin with a few buds or spending it with your girlfriend which you love very much ,, name anything and it has probably happened to me somewhat with a relationship ,, let me see

Girlfriend got drunk ,, fucked my two good friends

hmm ,, me , my girlfriend ,, my cousin's girlfriend and my cousin were goin out somewhere one night it turned out like this ,,, My girlfriend started flurtin with my cousin and the two of em made up some fucked up lie and left me and my cousin's ex by ourselve's feeling like shit ..

I could go on ,, anyway what i'm tryin to say ,, it doesn't matter what happend's in a relationship it is gonna turn bad sometime or another ,, and anyone idiot that thinks they have a perfect realtionship with someone ,, think again ,, and actually look at whats going on ,, you may think you have a good realtionship until one little thing goes wrong and the other person tells you how unperfect the relationship really was ,,

Anyway ,, cheer up ,, and I might just say anyway again ,,
Towelie - I'm on the parental end of "Hard Times At Home", and for different reasons. But, it's a struggle all the same - and sometimes I just shake my head, not even in disbelief, just that I reflect on my current status of life always wondering what it would be like to.....

Aren't you supposed to enjoy your current life, instead of thinking how else your life could be?

Hey - hopefully you can broaden your view, and not make one incident take you over (at least that's what I'm practicing now). I've stopped feeling sorry for myself, and think I should at least move on to some better unknown. Life sucks most everyday - I look back and that's what I see. I enjoy the seldom few "good " days - they are few and far between.

I know I'm not much help in your situation, but I hope you wake up tomorrow and at least find a minute to smile :)
Originally posted by warsofwinter
It seems every relationship I get into I have problems ,, the one I'm in at the moment is having one big problem ,,, let me explain ,

My good friend and my girlfriend are like arch enemy's and you know how it is when you in love and you have to choose between spendin the night at the pub drinkin with a few buds or spending it with your girlfriend which you love very much ,, name anything and it has probably happened to me somewhat with a relationship ,, let me see

Girlfriend got drunk ,, fucked my two good friends

hmm ,, me , my girlfriend ,, my cousin's girlfriend and my cousin were goin out somewhere one night it turned out like this ,,, My girlfriend started flurtin with my cousin and the two of em made up some fucked up lie and left me and my cousin's ex by ourselve's feeling like shit ..

I could go on ,, anyway what i'm tryin to say ,, it doesn't matter what happend's in a relationship it is gonna turn bad sometime or another ,, and anyone idiot that thinks they have a perfect realtionship with someone ,, think again ,, and actually look at whats going on ,, you may think you have a good realtionship until one little thing goes wrong and the other person tells you how unperfect the relationship really was ,,

Anyway ,, cheer up ,, and I might just say anyway again ,,

:lol: :grin: :lol: :lol: :spin: :spin: :grin:
I've been there before. It's not easy getting over someone, but sometimes you have to. Getting into the notion that there's only one person out there for you is complete nonsense. Look around, plenty of fish in the sea. You've just got to fight through the goddamn sharks. :p