Hatecrew Death Roll vs Are You Dead Yet, Blooddrunk and Relentless Reckless Forever

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  • Hatecrew Death Roll

    Votes: 24 75.0%
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Well, Alexi was capable of more yothful, raspy screaming ten years ago, now his voice is fucked up..
I gotta write that on gold...:kickass:

oh... how I miss that wild and ear-tearing! voice :mad: :mad:

before they play the song Alexi says eveytime I DIE..

I play that part like 5 mins! everytime I watch this video.

specially...that DIE... it just drives me insane...
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This is the youthful voice I implied to. It worked perfect with the first three Bodom albums.

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To me the atmosphere and creativity is more important than experienced display of theory. You want them to kill the atmosphere, personal soundworld and vocals of the old albums? Instead of touching them they should fix their current composions. Just as it wouldn't make sense to rerecord Talking of the Trees cos it wouldn't be the same anymore.

Please define atmosphere. Are you talking about the vibe of the audience? Or are you talking about music? Because theory is generally regarded as the thing which creates atmosphere in music. Also, what is the personal soundworld and how is that different from atmosphere?

You can thank Yngwie Malmsteem's lessons for the change in vocal style. Take it up with him.
Please define atmosphere. Are you talking about the vibe of the audience? Or are you talking about music? Because theory is generally regarded as the thing which creates atmosphere in music. Also, what is the personal soundworld and how is that different from atmosphere?

You can thank Yngwie Malmsteem's lessons for the change in vocal style. Take it up with him.

Well, to me atmosphere in music can't be put to words, other than it makes you visualize things and feel emotions and situations. Depth is another word to describe it. Atmosphere and soundworld are also indirectly related; if they recorded FTR with the RRF sounds it wouldn't have the same atmosphere. (This is just how I see it, some others like to see for example emotion related to the way of moving your fingers on the guitar, while others relate it to transferring your personal emotions into the music itself.) In other words with a bitter taste of sarcasm in voice: not just plain purposeless thrash riffs lashing out at you just to create noise and some sort of heaviness.
Here, I'll give you the real definitions since you don't have words.

atmosphere- the cumulative effects of modality, chord progression, dynamics, tempo, rubato (variation in tempo), arrangement, part doubling which a composer chooses to combine to ellicit an emotional response from the listener. emotional responses are conditioned in the listener through exposure to certain musics (a person accustomed to native musics will not have the same emotional response as a person conditioned to formal music styles)

personal soundworld- a specific composer's predilection for certain aspects of atmosphere (e.g. Danny Elfman loves minor chords)
The sucessfull interaction of musicians in bands has a lot to do with the agreement of soundworlds. Having too much in common (all musicians in the exact same soundworld) tends to stifle creativity. Having vastly divergent soundworlds tends to create dissent and argumentation. A truely experimental soundworld is the trademark of the young musician, and is itself as much a burden as a blessing owing to the ability to be influenced into losing one's personal voice. Older experimental soundworlds are really nothing more than a presentation of that loss of personal voice. There is the very rare occurence of a soundworld open to experimentation while still being rigidly defined enough to protect the artist's personal voice.

There comes a time to make a decision about what you like and what you simply refuse to do no matter what the listener promises for emotional response.
You're blabbering about music theory, just accept the reality it's the mysteriousness and the trees and lakes in the music that create the atmosphere. RRF is just regular guitars, drums, bass spiced with the odd keyboard part here and there, and a few guitar melodies. There's really no atmosphere or any personal soundworld concerning the album as entirity.
"Shit, this is really gonna ruin my high"
-Gandalf the Grey

"We gotta get rid of this damn ring so we can get back to smoking the sweet hobbit leaf"
-Gandalf the White
you know Hatecrew Death Roll is a great album- it really garnered a new following. There are so many fans that only know the Death Roll. People do it in the middle of Target. Seriously, go to a keyboard somewhere and just start playing that keyboard part. It's amazing who all knows the Death Roll.

I think since HCDR was the transitioning album between the "old and new", with three albums before and after it, maybe next they should do another transitioning album... I mean they can't do the same album for the fifth time, RRF is the absolute limit. I see music in colours and to me RRF sounds dominantly yellow by the nature of the riffs but is sterile otherwise. They need a colour again.
If I sing a song for you will you tell me what color I am?

Transitioning from what to what exactly? There really has not been a predominant change in style aside from the vocals.

What other colors do you see on their albums? Can I come run some tests on you to find out what colors you associate with what sounds?

I once tried to condition myself to have something like perfect pitch using scented markers I would play a note and sniff the marker. C was red/cherry. It did actually help me in my ear training class one time I missed an interval and I was off, but then I smelled a C and that really saved my grade on that test.
I see Follow The Reaper... Grim blue!

when I listen to that album the vision I have is that I'm standing in that graveyard with reaper standing with scythe in his hands...
This is funny but when I check the lyrics when listening to the new album the music seems better in contrast. The lyrics are very messy, sometimes okayish using rare words and symbolism, but horrible to remember and the lines don't even with the music. For example Cry of the Nihilist, it looks like a total pain in the ass and last day effort to create the lyrics... only catchy line is When the nite comes, when the sunlite dies, that's what it sounds like when a nihilist cries. When it's so forgettable wouldn't it be better to not do so much lines. They actually had some memorable lyrics in a couple songs on AYDY. Before that Angels Don't Kill. I enjoy some of the lyrics on Hatebreeder (Warheart, SNBN, Bed Of Razors, Downfall) and some on FTR (Everytime I Die, Kissing the Shadows etc...) As for the vocals I think they should do slower vocals that are more high pitch and unclear. Death'ish, closer to HB. Gives more room for the music too; why say so much when there's nothing good to say, and Alexi's vocal chords are worn out.