Followed the Reaper
Well I wasn't completely serious when I said that SH is a shitty example, I just compared it to Resident Evil. But you're right and I completely agree with you with this emotion stuff. For me everything else comes before visuals in video games and I really hate people who just basically label book by its and say shit like "LOLOLOL SILENT HILL 1 SUXOR NO 1080P!!". I personally love Silent Hills 1-3 but I have no experiences in post-SH3 Silent Hills so I can't basically say anything negative about them. But when it comes Resident Evils (which is my favourite video game franchise of all time), I feel nearly pure hate towards Capcom for making it a series of über-casual fast-paced third person shooters instead of survival horror. In fact I cannot complain that much because I actually enjoy playing RE5 with a friend, but still the series could be hell of a lot more these days if they had stayed with the good old survival horror.
Yeah... I even tried convincing my brother several times to play SH 2 cos it's a brilliant mental experience, but he still hasn't cos the graphics aren't very good on today's level so he supposes it's bad.

I only played RE 4 and 5... 4 was much much better, it had some atmosphere. 5 was all about the graphics. Both were nice shoot'em'ups in a horror themed environment. I hear they've became something completely different after the originals.
I get angry when someone even mentions the use of weapons in a SH review. The function of the games is/was so deep it reached your soul. It was a gateway to YOUR sub-consciousness, like the music. You experience it alone in a room at night, the feeling of loneliness surrounds you and your inner unprocessed emotional stuff that gnaws your conscience and feelings comes up from the past.
As opposed to that, the new stuff is mostly like a clichéic B-grade horror flick, only that it has some budget and of course the material source.