Heathen Crusade 2 - Question for the fans...

I think the special headliner should be a reunion of In The Woods... for one special show. If you could put that together I'm sure you'd have people from ALL OVER.

How fucking cool would that be? :)

EDIT: nevermind.
Enslaved rules. I wish we had them. But they are performing in Minnesota on Jan.16. 4 days before the Heathen Crusade fest.
MisterMayhem said:
Agalloch = Already asked... can not. :(

Gah. I was really hoping they were the ace up your sleeve.

*weeps softly in NY*

Aside from the US based recommendations made already, I'm not sure if you have budget to extend out to more european bands. Here are some bands that should fit the 'essence' of HC:

AETERNUS - with strong bias towards material from first two albums

not sure if SUMMONING ever put on a show