Help me get Nat 3 and I'll make it worth your while with impulses galore!

Seriously, this program is like wrangling a 1980s computer, everything is confusing acronyms and libraries and abbreviations and diagnostics and AHHHHH, why can't it just be like Boogex, with "FILE --> OPEN?!?!?" :waah:
From having the demo and investigating the directory structures it creates, it seems that NAT should generate a .N2V file and a .N2P file.

Find the directory named "nebulatemprepository" and under that directory you should see more directories two of which are named Vectors and Programs.

Drop the .N2V in the vectors directory and the .N2P in the programs directory.

Again, this is all speculation but it looks as if thats how it's done.
Seriously, this program is like wrangling a 1980s computer, everything is confusing acronyms and libraries and abbreviations and diagnostics and AHHHHH, why can't it just be like Boogex, with "FILE --> OPEN?!?!?" :waah:

THIS, people, is why barely anyone has heard of Nebula! It's all about UI & user friendlyness.

I hope you manage to get it sorted. I think devouredremains is onto something.
Alright, I was only able to make 2 (same mic position, different presence settings) before I had to stop, cuz honestly, all those sine sweeps for 20 minutes in a row, twice, actually made me feel physically ill; I guess something about the fight or flight response being triggered from all those perpetually bizarre noises. But I spent some time getting the mic in a good spot, so I think it'll be quality over quantity! And of course, don't think I won't be making more in the future :)

HOWEVER - how do I open these in Nebula? :erk: I can't even find a way to get a dialog box open to load them...
