Hey anyone living in the USA get this man!


Your Executioner
Nov 23, 2001
yo mamas ass
My parents have discovered my plans on trying to get a Network Tech job in Finland.... I dunno how they must have gone through my room and read some of my letters....... I dunno but haha get this shit they said AND I QUOTE

"Why would you want to leave the greatest country in the world? You have it better in the United States than any place else in the world. You are a fool for wanting to leave the greatest country in the world!"


I never said I would have it better any place else.... see this is ppls issue they think that the USA is some huge imperial power or something and everywhere is is in povery and opression! Dude USA fucks ppl up so much they make it seem that every other country is fucked up but USA!!!! Then why doesnt everyone want to move to USA?!?!? THATS RIGHT!!!! Because they enjoy LIFE in their own country! I personally think best place to live right now is the netherlands...... but I dont have any intrest in moving there. HELL IF I LIKE FINLAND ENOUGH I MAY JUST GET CITIZENSHIP AND FUCK MY FAMILY AND THEIR CLOSED VIEWPOINTS OF THE AMERICAN CENCORED UP DREAM!!!

Also get this they decide to rip on me being Socialist.... but we are not going into that because I dont want to start a huge political debate :lol:.

But anyway guys whats yer viewpoing..... OH AND PLEASE
I would love to hear the opinions of Anyone from any place in the world..... what are your view points on this matter?
omfg!!1 j00 nazicommunist! :p

No seriously, do whatever you want, your parents didnt have the right to read your letters or whatever to find out about your plans and it's your decision alone what to do with your life. If the job situation is good for your job in Finland, go for it. There are so many countries Id like to see I dont know where to go but Finland is definitely on the list.
And if your parents are so wound up about it, Id go just to annoy them, and revenge the invasion in your room and private stuff. Bummer though the finnish beer isnt as good as the german :p
That said... DAMN, I might stay here after all!
The USA is the most hated Country in the world (nearly all the Asian and Arabian States hate em),
so if u wanna be a tr00 Bodom-Fan, stay in America and say
"I dont give a fuck if you hate me!"


No, seriously, USA suck, you have no unions or something, if you have an accident and you cant work anymore, you're fucked! Ass-fucked! Donkey-dick Ass-Fucked!

Europe is cool, but Finland might be a bit too cold (but you're I.C.E fan, so if you wanna be tr00, get naked and run around in the snow and catch a cold) :loco:
Man, I was laughing my ass off reading this. But actually it's sad. Your parents seem to be stereotypical middle age americans who I thought existed only in stupid TV shows. But when I think about it it's quite obvious that they are who they are. They probably grew up in the 50s surrounded by american propaganda on every step. Cold war was a huge brainwash for everybody. They believe that US is the greatest country in the world because that's what they were hearing all the time from everywhere. It is so deep inside of them that it's like a dogma or something. There is no way you could explain them anything or prove something because that would kill their identity and all their life would become a lie. I'm sure they are happy in their Great United States. Don't take it away from them. That's good that you are not blinded by "American Dream" because it's bullshit. I don't despise Americans, why would I? It's just their arrogance that made them narrow minded and limited (sorry for generalization) and it's their problem. I'm just happy to live in Europe where there is no such fake pride and other craps invented in america, even living in such a shit hole as Poland. I'm actually glad to live in a place that has a history, history I don't have to be ashamed of.
So Thomas, do with your life what you feel is best for you and be happy, in Finland, in Netherlands, even in America. World is big and you will find your place.
And to all other Americans drunk on their fake Utopia - I feel symphaty, for one day you will all wake up...

Everything I wrote there are my personal thoughs and theories, if it's not true sorry then ;)
i know how you feel thomas, all the older people i know just talk about the US like its the best, "AMERICA, FUCK YEA!" lmfao...

i think you should live your own life, go where you will be happy. Finland seems like the best place for a bodomite to live...but the US really needs more socialist crazy people like you to make this place interesting. :tickled:
i can understand my parents doing that to me at the current moment [in fact they are *ergh*] but jeez Thomas you're 24; why the hell are they trying to make you stay?!

**note: when i saw the thread title i thought you meant that a criminal was on the loose or sumfin...:lol:**
What the hell is so great about The Netherlands ? It's boring and lately people have been threatening and killing politicians who had some "wrong opinions" about other cultures or something, and and in reaction to that some people burned down some muslim schools and stuff.

Oh, and within 3 years at least half of this country will be under water (well, actually it already is, but then it will actually flood)
i think as far as politics go i don't agree with a lot of things that go on here in america....... there's just so f'ed up stuff that goes on (but i choose not to get into that right now because i'll just take too much space)....... but you know i'm glad to be in a country where as a woman i have the opportunity and the right to do many things as opposed to other countries..... and as far as your parents go.... you know you're an adult and you can live you life however you want and if you choose to live in finland then that's your decision and as your parents they should support you in any way and if the choose not to then just another reason to live your life to show them that you could make it on your own.
I hate the u.s. The majority of the people here are full of nothing but bullshit. They're just a bunch of mindless creatures who have a meaningless life, no taste, no class, no talent, filled with self-assertion, triteness and did I say bullshit?