"Hi I'm new here" Introduce Yourself

LOL! Hey, he's right about the stereotype.

So on that note, I'm an alcoholic, all I drink is whiskey, I have ginger hair and wear a kilt and I like fighting in the streets, talking in a strange slang no one can understand.

xx Kirsty

pass me the scotch will ya?

our bourbon isnt up to par.
Oh man Scotch... I think I would have overdosed on alcohol if I lived in Scotland... I'm just totally in love with that liquid, it's pathetic lol

Also wanted to add that "cock tapping" is indeed metal... But nothing beats "cock slapping"... On the bass. (What were you thinking huh?!?!) I'm obviously making a reference to Metalocalypse (for those that didn't get it). If you haven't seen that cartoon yet, then I HIGHLY suggest you go check it right now. Now. Right now. Stop reading. I told you to stop reading. WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?! Metalocalypse. Now. Go.
i looked at prices at the liquor store and i lost my apetite to get drunk unless it's off someone else's booze (since today is July 4th) :erk:

so i think ill get a case of beer and call it a night, since July 4th isn't worth going out for.
Metalocalypse is awesome. Toki is the cutest :)

And my ex is actually Nathan Explosion minus grim vocals. Same hair, chin etc.


xx Kirsty

Women always go for Toki :p

I's obsviouslys goes fors Skwisgaar. Just too damn funny... and good. Toki is dildos, he's gots shittys guitars sounds. :lol:
LOL! Toki is METAL. Skwisgaar is my 2nd choice.

I love how everything is named after metal bands.

Burzum's, Finntroll's, Dimmu Burger etc :p


xx Kirsty

If I could go back to highschool, I'd definitely go to Carpathian Forest High!!

I'm sure you love Toki cos of his ripped abs and his love for children and.... I DO COCAAAAAIIIINE, KA-KA-KA-YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH

I'd much rather be Mrs Wartooth than Mrs Skwigelf tbh!!! Nah, check that wee moustache thing he has goin' on. AWWWWWWW x1,000.

Swisgaar comes out with some awesome quotes though!!!

Skwisgaar: "Hey, Toki, look inside your basket. Since you're in such a crappy mood, you have lady's tampons, inside of it. And you buy them, so go have a conversation with the ladies and tell them your problems. *insert Toki witty reply* ...I AM NOT A LADY!"

Skwisgaar: "No. I have music dyk-slexia." - LOL

xx Kirsty
whish I got it what you were talkin 'bout xD

WHAT DID I TELL YOU BEFORE ABOUT GOING TO GO CHECK OUT METALOCALYPSE?!?! Yous ares fuckins dildos. Go. Now. Check it out. Now. Now. Now. And then you'll understand what we're talking about :p

Haha I love it when in one episode:
Skwisgaar: "They cants helps it Toki, they do nots have superior Scandinavians eh-cu-cation..."
Pickles: "Quick, name me something that has nothing to do with guitar, go go go !!!"
Skwisgaar: "Ah...uh...uhm...uh...eh...uh...uhm..........."