How about a Guitar Tone competition, round two?

I have plenty of time to work on the drums, guys. If you want to make suggestions I'm happy to change things around.

IMO, the drum clips that others have posted aren't quite mix ready.
Yeah I gotta say I dig Kyle's shot overall. I tried to convince him to do another one yesterday we'll see how he stands against my pestering today once he gets on AIM. :lol:
I didn't want this to be ugly or anything. Greg I didn't mean to steal your thunder or take anything away I promise. I just did it bc at first I wasn't able to bc I was bouncing between home and the hospital all the time, but now I have a ton of free time so i was just going for it I guess. Sorry duder.
Why are you apologizing? You didn't do anything. If people like your DIs better, we should use them.

The thing that bothers me is that no one took incentive on this. I said I would give it a shot, people pushed me to do it and now they don't want to use it. I don't really care, I can just use them for my own uses.
Okay. I won't bother putting any more effort into this. You guys can handle the DIs/drums/bass/etc.

Is it me? I can change for you baby...


Seriously though, I would make the DI's, drums, bass if I could. I don't like relying on others. I just don't have the gear or knowhow to make them good enough. I was also hoping more people would jump in, so you wouldn't have to do everything yourself. You know we all love you for all the effort you put in!
Guys - I don't want to drag this out for days and days, but I actually like Lolzgreg's DI's better, especially for this competition since the tracks have so many different "things" going on - groove, a little djent, open stuff, etc. I thought that's kinda what we were all asking for the whole time? Greg stepped up, gave us what we asked for, and now we're all bitching out on him? I was too much of a pansy to put anything up myself, so I applaud him for having the balls and the drive to get it done.

OK, I'll stop preaching now... Why don't we just use Kyle's for round three?

There's obviously a split between Greg's and Kyle's DIs. I prefer Kyles since his is slower and less busy sounding. Gives more time to actually hear the tone as it plays out. I'm sure the quality of Greg's are fine, but I just think the riff isn't right for actually judging a tone.

Edit: And I'm sure Kyle could add in the other things people want to hear like pinches and chords no problem.