How did you get into Katatonia's music?


I depend on darkness...
Dec 25, 2002
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I don't know whether you talked about this topic in the past, but I was wondering -how and when did you start to listen to their music? 'Cause, f.e. in Poland, you can hardly ever find people that ever heard about them...simply because polish underground, metal music is ...favourisied :)confused: )
For me it started with "Discouraged ones" in 1998 :)
Back in school a friend of mine gave me a cassette with "For funerals to come" on it, i remember that i really liked the title track because of its dark and gloomy atmosphere which i'd never heard like that before, but it should not be until the release of DO that i became a real Katatonia fan ;)
i saw them mentioned at message board in a title dubbed "Sad Music". I downloaded a song. Loved it. and bought Tonights Decsion and Discouraged ones the next day.
I read an article about them in Metal Maniacs back when Discouraged Ones came out. At the time I was in contact with a guy that I occassionally traded CD-Rs with, and I noticed on his list was an album by them, Brave Murder Day, so I got that from him, and loved it. A couple of months later I was in a car with one of his friends, who was playing Discouraged Ones, which I though wasn't too good, but I managed to find the cd in a shop and bought it anyway (I figured BMD was so good, they wouldn't let me down, and plus a moving car is not a good place to judge an album ;)). Good thing I did..... ;)
i was into bands like my dying bride and anathema for a couple of years, then heard about Katatonia. Picked up Tonights Decision and fell in love.
Got LFDGD from a friend; I liked it because vocals reminded me of Keith Caputo (Life of agony) and I like the voice of this guy. Now I realized the Jonas Renkse is even better. When I moved to Berlin I had more than 8 hours to drive and had only ONE CD with me: LFDGD. I was forced to listen Katatonia....but I enjoyed it. The last months I got also the older albums of Katatonia (I will buy them all by and by, promised!). They're all good, because they're really different. My current favorite is "Dance of december souls", it has the spirit of old Tiamat, another band i also really like...
Nine years ago my friend tells me of this really new band that's playing in a show, we had a flight from Israel to Sweden and saw them, it was Katatonia's first gig.. Just kidding :D

Almost 4 years ago I bought Amorphis - Elegy and I wanted to hear more, my friend lent me Katatonia - For Funerals To Come.. And I fell inlove with it, my first growly cd, amazing album....
I first saw them "live" in 2000...funny thing was that when the radio station was advertising this concert (together with Opeth) they played..."the Ar" (?!). So, going to this concert I thought I was going to hear this song...but I've heard lots of much better music...;)
I really can`t remember, It`s almost scary, suddently I just ordered Td an Ldfgd over the net, I guess I somehow listened to teargas and like almost everyone else hearing Katatonia for the first time fell in love...
Heard a few tracks of discouraged ones and Brave Murder Day, and my friend always said I'd like them. Eventually bought discouraged ones and Tonights Decision, brave murder day and then their last one. I was depressed at the time and it all clicked, still does. Also fantastic music to get "jiggy" to :)