How long have you been a Bodom fan?

I'm seventeen and i if i remember well i started listening about 2 years ago...but i think i began a fan about 1year ago...i wish i had discovered them before :(
I'm not sure, but I guess it was around 2005, because the first song I heard from them was the Oops I did it again cover.
That may also be the reason why I think AYDY isn't a bad album (and please, NO old Bodom, New Bodom discussion!)
I don't know! :blush:
Shortly after the 1st album came out. Saw it stuck at the top of the Finnish charts for ages & wondered what all the fuss was about, so went out & bought it! Big mistake, huh?! :heh:
Oh god. Its going on 5 years now. I was in the 7th grade right before the Thrashed, Lost & Strungout EP was released. I had just started to get into playing guitar several months before that and I picked up a Guitar World and it had a lesson from the guitar player of this up and coming band from Finland called Children Of Bodom. I checked out the video and it had Alexi playing the riffs from Chokehold and I was completly blown away by his skills. Not long after I got some cash and bought AYDY, HCDR, and FTR all on the same day. Bought the rest of the CDs sometimes later and finally saw them last September with TBDM. I tried to see them every time they came to town for 4 years and got screwed out of it every time Detroit Rock City style!

What pisses me off is all the freshmen at school who think there such big fans even though they dont own any CDs, Merch, etc. All I can think is "Bitch I was a Bodom fan when you were still learning how to divide numbers!"
5 years. i saw them live 10/9/2008. that night was pretty nuts cause testament was on the bill also.
Since 2004-2005, I've been absolutely obsessed with this band.

It all started when I first heard "Bed of Razors" home, after some friend of mine came up to me and said:
"Dude, these bands fucking rock", and then he pointed to his shoes where he had written "Children of Bodom" and "Death" on each side (for some weird reason :u-huh: ).
The guitars, keyboards, vocals, drums... I loved everything, and I still do!
More than 5 years, i dont listen to records that much anymore but i try to see them live allways iwhen they come around.