How long have you been a Bodom fan?

I wish I had found metal earlier in my life...

Same here, before that it was all punk rock. Which is still good- but if I had started listening to metal earlier, I probably would have started playing guitar earlier, too.

Funny when you think about it... when SW was realeased, i was 6 years old and i could have litsend to COB, my choise was backstreet boys :erk:

That's not funny, just depressing. D=

I dunno, I think around the time that AYDY came out. My buddy, amos, had FTR and the Trashed ep. I also bought FTR and listened to it occaisionally- but I don't think that I really got into them until I bought AYDY.
So maybe 4, 4.5 years? The first time I saw them live was on the Unholy Alliance Tour, in arizona.
Tough question ... Several years ago I know their music, but when I was really interested on them was a couple of years ago (more or less) when my boyfriend, who is a keyboardist made me really appreciate their music.
Since 2000 when i was 10 years old,but im a into metal and rock since i know for myself cause my parents and brothers were and still are into early metal bands from 70s and 80s.When my brother got a collegeship for studing in helsinki and he bought me Hatebreder there and i liked it a lot cause it was first modern metal band i heard and it was something new and fresh for me.Eventhough im dissapointed with new albums i still love to listen to older albums,they havent bored me yet,after almost 9 years :notworthy