How to get a band together!


The Influenced
Jan 10, 2007
I've watched and followed a lot of Katatonia progress over the years and one thing I think (and this isnt necessary restricted to Katatonia) is how the hell do you keep a band together.

Lets face it firstly you got to find the musicians and thats so damb hard!

Then you got to learn the stuff

You got to write the songs

You got to get money to live

You got to be in one area where you can regularly meet

You need gigs,

you need consistancy


*weeps bitterly in the knowledge that he may die a man never fullfilling his dream*

life sucks and the sexiest girls always live too far away ;)
I know what you're talking about. Its NOT easy. To find people that both can play and share your musical vision.. You simply need a lot of luck, i guess. Well... yeah...
After a year and a half I finally finished butting a complete lineup together.

drummer, 2 guitar, bassist, and vocalist

We don't share much musical taste except our other guitarist and I like progressive. So, we decided on a band on the lines of Pain of Salvation. The songs are tough to write, but we'll manage. You're right though, the hardest part is filling all the spots. We're still looking for another vocalist, since the one we have is a female, and we want the Male/Female contrast thing going. It's insane.
yeah its friggin hard since people tend to be assholes, rehearsal places are nowhere etc.

In the NYC area rehearsal spaces are freaking expensive -- just like everything else.

People also are all about the ego, and they often don't want to leave them at the door.

I'm really interested in starting a symphonic metal band and being the vocalist, as I have lyrics written already. It's tough to find somebody who is musically talented and who can read music. (i.e. that episode of Metalocalypse where they resurrect the troll in the Finnish lake and realize that none of the band members can read music). Whatever. This is what university is for, mwahaha.
That's why I'll probably always stay with my solo projects. I'll let the computer be the rest of the band ^_^

It sucks though cause people message me on myspace all the time about buying albums and if I'm gonna tour and such.. but I just don't have the heart to go find more members that are gonna have the same vision as me.
i gave up looking for people. i'm going to make my music all myself, and if that generates enough interest, i might consider having other members in my "band" but so far i'm doing pretty well alone :lol:
name a european metal band that have been on the scene for years and have a solid reputation that
have not had line up changes
well the whole situation about having a band going is just atrocious if you don't get lucky. either it's social problems, getting nowhere musically, wanting different directions. otherwise it's the rehearsals and jobs colliding or whatever.

i've finally found a band i'm pretty hopeful to get somewhere with. we're playing death metal (me on vocs) and they play pretty damn good while also being nice guys and having a well located rehearsal space.
A lot of the trouble with the guys around here are that none of them pay female vocalists any heed.
A lot of the trouble with the guys around here are that none of them pay female vocalists any heed.

Hehe. To be honest i'm the same. In metal circles female vocalists usually starts up a personal cult that leads to fame rather than a quality band. Before you look me up and murder me I have to say that there are obviously exceptions :)
Hehe. To be honest i'm the same. In metal circles female vocalists usually starts up a personal cult that leads to fame rather than a quality band. Before you look me up and murder me I have to say that there are obviously exceptions :)

Nah, I get what you're saying. Everybody wants to reap the rewards for their hard work, and it isn't fair that a chick with her boobs popping out of a corset gets that over the rest of the band.

I'm for equality, damn it. But I'm also for being looked at as more than "Oh, wow, you're a girl... You really like metal? For real?! Wow."