How was your day?

The whole "don't worry vegans will tell you" thing is played out, people that love to eat meat (like me) are always spouting off about some kind of steak or something, I even see it in here constantly.

I agree with Mort's image.
The difference is, vegans will try to wedge that shit in when food isn't the topic. It's not like "hey, we are gonna order what do you want?" is the only time it ever comes up. You know how you know someone isn't a vegan? They basically don't talk about food until it's time to eat/get something or they are sharing what they ate. Going vegan (as opposed to even vegetarian) is a radical lifestyle change and requires a level of commitment that generally attracts more unstable and socially difficult people. Vegetarianism is generally about health, veganism is always about piety.
Vegetarianism is just a glorified way of saying "ew I don't really like red meat."

I don't know about all that, my best friend is a vegan and pretty much never brings it up, the only way you really find out if someone is a vegan is when you notice the kinds of shit vegans on facebook like and share.
Maybe it's because I mainly encounter vegans on FB. The one vegan I encountered at "university" (fucking Euros) was still stereotypical - not only in bringing it up, but looking sickly as fuck.
Most of the vegans I have ever known have always brought the topic of food and dieting up totally unprovoked. "Check out this alternative take on this meat-based recipe that has absolutely no meat guys. See you don't have to eat meat. ^_^"

All the time. It's like... okay??
Quite good, I've managed to go under the radar again, the staff chief engineer has fucked up so much that he's conveniently taken the spotlight for the next week until I leave. The steward gave me some gift and I threw it in the bin without even opening it in front of her and said I don't want anything but she's a fucken smart ass and didn't want to open it in front of her and have it be something she could get a laugh out of. My tolerance here is at an all time low and it makes things worse that people seem to thrive in this environment.People are strange.
Even though I'm a sort of contradictory atheist (I still hold many aboriginal beliefs) I fucking DESPISE internet atheists, those cunts that will ruin a perfectly good joke with "logic" ugh.
I've actually been known to be one of those guys. Oops.
I've actually been known to be one of those guys. Oops.

Why the fuck am I not surprised?

I used to be like that too since I had so many religious friends the shitcunt in me would build up and just explode at their constant posts, but once I saw others being that way I stopped doing that shit.
Now I'm trying to stop being that kind of twat when it comes to my feminist friends.
I am only really vocal about it since in the States they are still attempting to legislate based on archaic religious doctrine (the gay marriage thing was gotten rid of but gay individuals are still persecuted down there and it's tolerated because "muh religious freedom"; also abortion), children still get indoctrinated, and creation still gets taught in schools down there, which is in direct contradiction to the closest thing we have to "established scientific fact".

If nobody speaks out against this, nothing will change. Do you deny this?
I have no problem separating church and state, removing creationism from science classes (teaching it in RE is fine though, don't be a fuggin totalitarian), the abortion thing is a little contentious, not all pro-lifers are religious (sure, most) I mean shit, Christopher Hitchens was against abortion (I know, what a sexist bastard) but it's when atheists try and change the minds and beliefs of others that it gets extremely cringe worthy.

Trading one moral high horse for another is fucking stupid.
I am of the belief that people can believe whatever religion they want, so long as that religion doesn't infringe upon the rights of others.

I believe that Christians who are against abortion lose the right to hold that belief or speak about the subject.

I believe Christian business owners who refuse service to gay individuals on the grounds of "religious freedom" deserve to lose their businesses.

I believe that teaching creationism in science class is fundamentally hurting the critical thinking process of the next generation of future leaders, business-people, scientists, etc.

I believe that churches should not be tax-exempt. Ever.

I also believe that indoctrination of children is a form of child abuse, especially when children are at an age where their brains are still forming. It's one thing to teach a child manners, and how to respect their parents; it's another to force them to comply with one's own religious practices. Let them figure it out themselves when they are at least a teenager.

Basically, these things are more important to me than seeming "annoying" or hurting the feelings of religious people.
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And that's why you'll be a miserable bastard for as long as you hold these standards, sure the science class one I agree with, but the business one is hysterical and so is the abortion one.

I believe that Christians who are against abortion lose the right to hold that belief or speak about the subject.

I believe Christian business owners who refuse service to gay individuals on the grounds of "religious freedom" deserve to lose their businesses.

This is as shit a view as anything any insane feminist says, also do you extend this to all religious people or just Christians? Because Muslims also refuse to serve gay people when it comes to baked goods and wedding garments.
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No it isn't. Substantiate your claims.

Any religious person that refuses service to select inviduals based on their own religious doctrine deserves to be at least blacklisted.

People are free to be bigots on their own time. But when you are doing a service, that is not one of those times. Discrimination based on religious belief is actually illegal, last I checked.

If Muslim business owners refused to serve women, to use a non-Christian example, they would be fined or shut down.
Christians don't refuse to serve gay people, they refuse to make identifiably homosexual cakes.
Show me any instant of a religious shop refusing to sell a cupcake to a fag and maybe you'll have a point.

A pizzeria in Indiana refused to cater a wedding (part of their job!!!) simply because the couple was gay.

"But Memories Pizza — “a Walkerton mainstay,” according to local media, for more than a decade — is feeling the heat of a great debate about religious freedom and gay rights. Memories has been billed by a local ABC affiliate as the “first business to publicly deny same-sex service” after Gov. Mike Pence (R) signed the state’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) into law. Many feel the law, which advocates say is intended to protect religious freedom, will result in discrimination against homosexuals."

It is stuff like the RFRA that is why atheists should not simply "be quiet".

So your statement that "Christians don't refuse to serve gay people" is patently false. QED?
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Let capitalism sort it out.

Edit: also I'm a great supporter of the tradition of boycotts.
If forced to choose between profit and prejudice, people will almost always choose profit.

Using state authority to punish these losers only martyrises them.