How was your day?

My condolences NG, although i think i gave them to you a while back when it happened, or at least when you first told us about it.

My grandparents are so far from being Jesus freaks, as are most Armenians. I don't think i've met a single bible thumping Armenian outside of priests and stuff.
Super productive. Had a really good check so I got some things for my place and did a bunch of laundry while jamming out to Sargeist. I also got a new pair of glasses coming in the mail soon. Today was a good day.

Good. Fridays are usually good. I had a substitute in biology today. Someone hid the syllabi as well as the quizzes we were supposed to take. He eventually found them, though. I took the test "took notes", and then asked to go to the restroom, and I hung out there for the last 20 minutes of class. Just after the test, he was writing on the board, and I pretended to triumphantly conduct an imaginary orchestra behind him. It's really funny to do that when the teacher isn't looking.
My condolences NG, although i think i gave them to you a while back when it happened, or at least when you first told us about it.

My grandparents are so far from being Jesus freaks, as are most Armenians. I don't think i've met a single bible thumping Armenian outside of priests and stuff.

Yeah, I realize I wasn't clear about it. Was a couple of years ago now (still recent enough), not this year. Hence time for Grandma to go full crazy. I appreciate it anyway guys.
Good. Fridays are usually good. I had a substitute in biology today. Someone hid the syllabi as well as the quizzes we were supposed to take. He eventually found them, though. Just after the test, he was writing on the board, and I pretended to triumphantly conduct an imaginary orchestra behind him. It's really funny to do that when the teacher isn't looking.

Reality: those kinds of things make you look like a little shit.

My day wasn't great. Ended up in the ER again because of my migraine and body aches. They gave me some amazing painkillers via the IV and now I feel great. About to crash. Girl I've been talking to earned tons of points tonight, as it was date night and offered to take me to the doctor and hung out with me the whole time. It was really nice having her there.
Anywhere with halogen lights when you have a migraine is fucking shitty.

I can sense the faintest of visual pulsing, and the faintest buzzing during these times, and they get amplified times 1000 and it is really quite gay.
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I don't get migraines often, but when I do they're the worst. Mostly get pretty bad sinus headaches, but migraines are about 10x worse than those could ever be. No idea how people who get them frequently even function day to day.
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I used to get them frequently when I was younger but I grew out of it. I also had pills I would take that would knock them out. This time I've had a perpetual headache with varying degrees of severity for almost 2 weeks now. Can't train or do anything. Fucking bullshit. Nothing is helping either, not even vicodin.
Not trying to brag or something, but I practically never get headaches, and never had a migraine. I did know this older guy when I was a kid who had migraines semifrequently. Really nice dude too, such a shame. Can't imagine having to put up with shit like that.
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I haven't ever had any that were immune to paid meds. Usually I just pop an excedrin or something and I'm g2g. This whole year has been filled with annoying illnesses.
Could care less what you think is 'sad'. Also, it's pretty clear you have no understanding of how an ER actually works. Which isn't surprising considering you have shown minimal understanding on most topics.
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Yes, you're right ... i have no idea how an ER works. Especially when considering the fact that i just spent the past week in and out of one(again). And what's even funnier is you accusing others of displaying "minimal understanding" :headexplodes: :lol: Anyway, dont get all wound up sweety, it's not like i'm accusing you of being pansy or anything. ;)

edit: Just one example. ... my grandfather had an emergency a few months back where he couldnt even walk or talk, and he was in the Huntington Hospital ER(wheeled out from the ambulance and straight into the waiting room) for hours while there were crackheads going in and out because they didn't feel good and probably want to get doped up and sent to some methadone clinic.
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