How was your day?

Except for the fact that crowdfunding from (one can infer, religious) supporters has raised over 50,000 for the restaurant.

"Letting capitalism sort it out" accomplishes nothing when the majority favors such discriminatory practices. That logic is flawed.
I edited my thingy.

I remember that gay marriage/pizza story, Milo took a piss on it saying that what gay couple in their right mind would do a pizza wedding other than to troll and coax some religious bigots out in order to make a statement or something.
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That is ludicrous. People want unique weddings all the time.

As an aside, I am straight and I would be down with a pizza wedding.

The whole "they did it to troll" argument is morally-bankrupt bullshit designed to pretend no discrimination is taking place, when it obviously is. It's not even a real argument, it is conjecture, plain and simple.
Let capitalism sort it out.

Edit: also I'm a great supporter of the tradition of boycotts.
If forced to choose between profit and prejudice, people will almost always choose profit.

Using state authority to punish these losers only martyrises them.
Again, boycott only works when the majority is the side doing the boycotting. And in a nation where religious folk are the majority, that doesn't work.
You're straight and would be down with a pizza wedding, because you're fucking straight hahaha that was Milo's point.

Either way, I say boycott them, majority or not.
Go elsewhere, or forcefully shut them down [shrug] it's your shitty country not mine. ;)

But this whole discussion is a pretty good example of how hysterical and cringey atheists have become.
Sexual orientation is not a valid factor in determining someone's wedding tastes. Again, it is a shitty argument, and calling it an actual "argument" is being generous.
I think it was intended to be a joke, not a valid argument, c'mon now this is hilariously ironic considering this all started as a result of me saying "atheists ruin jokes with "logic" hahaha.
Tbh I don't know who this Milo person is anyways. So I wouldn't have known whether it was a joke or not.

I mean, I like jokes as much as the next guy. But there are select topics I keep them separate from, and religion is one of those topics. I've been passionate about it ever since high school, when I encountered this group of religious kids who all went to the same youth group outside of school and who all spouted the same utterly hateful, stone-age bullshit. Since then I learned that it has the potential to get pretty damn cancerous.

I don't even discuss religion often, unless it's brought up.
My bad, it may have seemed like I was mentioning him as if you should know who the fuck he is by first name, but it's only because I couldn't be arsed spelling his last name, it's a hard one to remember haha.

He's a flamboyantly gay religious journalist that writes for Breitbart (infer his positions from that I guess)

For me I guess all ideologies can be cancerous without moderation, and with that in mind I try not to go overboard as many atheists do.
I've also gained some respect for Christianity over the last 12 months, but that doesn't mean I won't shit on a fool if they get ridiculous.
Breitbart... that says it all really. LOL.

I mean, as I said, I don't have an inherent problem with religion in and of itself; Christianity included. And I usually try not to discuss it even. But when people use it as an excuse to be hateful, or to skew the next generation's understanding of important concepts (like our origins in the universe), I take issue. Basically when there is an agenda involved, it can get fucked.

Also I just realized we have been sitting here debating for probably over a page now, on a topic that likely only us two care about; sorry everyone. :v

As an aside, I've been saying it from the beginning of the forum change, but we really need :v as a smiley. This is a true important issue LOL
Yeah, I'm listening to the Genocide and Repulsion demos and eating cold pizza so don't feel bad, I wasn't doing shit all anyway haha.

I agreed with you for the most part until you mentioned agenda, everything has an agenda so I guess everything can get fucked? Works for me!
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I can agree there, everything can get fucked. Smoke a hundred cigarettes and drink a thousand beers; it's party time.
Tbh I actually barely smoke cigs anymore. Lol. I've been known to smoke doobs here or there though. I severely cut down on both when I moved out of my parents place a couple years ago. Used to smoke a pack of cigs, and about two grams, every day.

Now I only smoke the occasional dart flung my way when I visit friends, and in terms of pot, I'll roll a cranker about once a week just to unwind.

I don't mind it though, pot hits me a lot harder now.
I used to buy half o's every week. Goddamn that was expensive. When I moved out, that had to stop for sure.