I don't understand this about people....(Booze related.)

Chryst Krispies

Vanilla Gorilla
Jul 27, 2005
Why is it when I say I don't want to go party or go to a bar or drink with them they get hostile?

Like, dude, I don't want to go drink. I don't give a fuck if it's a party I don't give a fuck if it's free. I don't want to go.

*insert shitstorm*

Why does that make me an asshole?
Hmmm. Yeah. It just bothers me. I'm not anti-party. I love to rage. I fucking get shitfacd all the time. It's just not ALL the time. I don't like boozing thhaaaaat much. For fucks sake.
It's not just my "mates" I've noticed this happens with a lot of random people too. I don't know. Maybe I'm just a douche. Hhaha. Whatever. This thread sucks ass already.

yes I've experienced it

its basically immature reactions. The thought process can be along the lines of:

"He fuckin thinks he's too good for us now"

"He's doing something even fuckin cooler and didn't want to invite us"

"How could you NOT want to fuckin hang our with us? You pissed at us or something? Well fuck you then"

"He's fuckin some chick and he doesn't want to tell us about it ... what a dick"

"He's probably fuckin gay ... I can't believe I was hangin out with a gay dude that long"

You'll notice probably none of those hits the mark, even though at one lonely, vulnerable time in my life I did actually give in to the fat girl and just plainly didn't want to tell anyone about it. Then there was the chick with the knuckle-nose but I got busted on that one so my ass ended up at the bar BUYING drinks after for quite some time until they were drunk enough to think "her face ain't all that bad, great ass too"

point being, stop wasting time trying to make sense of it cause it doesn't make sense and you'll all be boys again by the next weekend
On a more constructive note, it seems that for some people, going out boozing is the central pillar of their existence and they can't really process the idea that someone might prefer to do something else, cognitive dissonance sets in and they get a bit upset on some level.
+ a fucking gazillion. Marry me? <3

Haha this sentence is so fucking genius I can't even believe it. Thanks for my first quote-signature, if you don't mind?
Have you guys experienced this though?
It's like I punched their mother in the mouth or something.
Yes, and yes.
Haha, try telling those people you don't drink alcohol - or do other drugs - ever. They either don't believe it ("haha maan you're joking right? riiiight?") or think you're gay.
But I guess they're right, it is the only logical explanation after all :lol:
Dude that level of stupid is all around me here...including my own family members...:(

Another thing I never got was people trying to get straight edge people to break edge? I don't understand. GO BUILD LEGOS OR SOMETHING FUCKWIT.
I don't drink alcohol - or do other drugs - ever.

haha maan you're joking right? riiiight? u gey or somthing?


Yeah the pillar of existence comment is so true. All of my peers seem to go out every. Fucking. Weekend. Sometimes both friday and saturday. I just don't see how that is appropriate money use (considering it's expensive as shits here).
I can TOTALLY relate to this. if I get another comment like "you don't drink? YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE MISSING" or "come on dude today you're gonna drink one, for me, just one ain't gonna do you nothing" I might decide to just stop having friends in general. Driller's analysis has to be spot on.